| if (this.importScripts) { |
| importScripts('../../../resources/js-test-pre.js'); |
| importScripts('shared.js'); |
| } |
| |
| description("Test features of IndexedDB's multiEntry indices."); |
| |
| indexedDBTest(prepareDatabase, addData); |
| function prepareDatabase() |
| { |
| db = event.target.result; |
| |
| store = evalAndLog("store = db.createObjectStore('store')"); |
| evalAndLog("store.createIndex('index', 'x', {multiEntry: true})"); |
| |
| store2 = evalAndLog("store2 = db.createObjectStore('store-unique')"); |
| evalAndLog("store2.createIndex('index-unique', 'x', {multiEntry: true, unique: true})"); |
| } |
| |
| function addData() |
| { |
| debug(""); |
| debug("Populating stores (and indexes)"); |
| transaction = evalAndLog("transaction = db.transaction(['store'], 'readwrite')"); |
| transaction.onabort = unexpectedAbortCallback; |
| transaction.oncomplete = function() { verifyIndexes('index', verifyUniqueConstraint); }; |
| |
| debug("First try some keys that aren't what we're expecting"); |
| request = evalAndLog("transaction.objectStore('store').put({x: [7, 8, 9], y: 'a'}, 'foo')"); |
| request.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback; |
| debug("Now overwrite them with what we're expecting"); |
| request = evalAndLog("transaction.objectStore('store').put({x: [1, 2, 3], y: 'a'}, 'foo')"); |
| request.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback; |
| request = evalAndLog("transaction.objectStore('store').put({x: [4, 5, 6], y: 'b'}, 'bar')"); |
| request.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback; |
| request = evalAndLog("transaction.objectStore('store').put({x: [7, 7, 8, 7], y: 'c'}, 'baz')"); |
| request.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback; |
| request = evalAndLog("transaction.objectStore('store').put({x: [null, 9, 9], y: 'd'}, 'bloop')"); |
| request.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback; |
| } |
| |
| function verifyIndexes(indexName, callback) |
| { |
| debug(""); |
| debug("Verifying index: " + indexName); |
| transaction = evalAndLog("transaction = db.transaction(['store'], 'readonly')"); |
| transaction.onabort = unexpectedAbortCallback; |
| transaction.oncomplete = function() { verifyCount(callback); }; |
| |
| expected = [ |
| { key: 1, primaryKey: 'foo', y: 'a' }, |
| { key: 2, primaryKey: 'foo', y: 'a' }, |
| { key: 3, primaryKey: 'foo', y: 'a' }, |
| { key: 4, primaryKey: 'bar', y: 'b' }, |
| { key: 5, primaryKey: 'bar', y: 'b' }, |
| { key: 6, primaryKey: 'bar', y: 'b' }, |
| { key: 7, primaryKey: 'baz', y: 'c' }, |
| { key: 8, primaryKey: 'baz', y: 'c' }, |
| { key: 9, primaryKey: 'bloop', y: 'd' }, |
| ]; |
| |
| var request = evalAndLog("transaction.objectStore('store').index('" + indexName + "').openCursor()"); |
| request.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback; |
| request.onsuccess = function(event) { |
| cursor = evalAndLog("cursor = event.target.result"); |
| if (cursor) { |
| ex = expected.shift(); |
| shouldBeNonNull("ex"); |
| shouldBe("cursor.key", String(ex.key)); |
| shouldBeEqualToString("cursor.primaryKey", ex.primaryKey); |
| shouldBeEqualToString("cursor.value.y", ex.y); |
| evalAndLog("cursor.continue()"); |
| } else { |
| shouldBe("expected.length", "0"); |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| function verifyUniqueConstraint() |
| { |
| debug(""); |
| debug("Verifying unique constraint on multiEntry index"); |
| transaction = evalAndLog("transaction = db.transaction(['store-unique'], 'readwrite')"); |
| transaction.onabort = function () { |
| debug("Transaction aborted as expected"); |
| createIndexOnStoreWithData(); |
| }; |
| transaction.oncomplete = unexpectedCompleteCallback; |
| |
| request = evalAndLog("transaction.objectStore('store-unique').put({x: [1, 2, 3], y: 'a'}, 'foo')"); |
| request.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback; |
| request.onsuccess = function() { |
| debug("success!"); |
| debug("Replace an existing record - this should work"); |
| request = evalAndLog("transaction.objectStore('store-unique').put({x: [1, 2, 7], y: 'a'}, 'foo')"); |
| request.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback; |
| request.onsuccess = function() { |
| debug("success!"); |
| debug("This should fail the uniqueness constraint on the index, and fail:"); |
| request = evalAndLog("transaction.objectStore('store-unique').put({x: [5, 2], y: 'c'}, 'should fail')"); |
| request.onsuccess = unexpectedSuccessCallback; |
| request.onerror = function() { debug("Request failed, as expected (" + request.error.name + ")"); }; |
| }; |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| function verifyCount(callback) { |
| evalAndLog("transaction = db.transaction(['store'])"); |
| |
| transaction.onabort = unexpectedAbortCallback; |
| transaction.oncomplete = callback; |
| |
| index = evalAndLog("transaction.objectStore('store').index('index')"); |
| request = evalAndLog("index.count()"); |
| request.onsuccess = function(event) { |
| |
| shouldBe("event.target.result", "9"); |
| |
| request = evalAndLog("index.count(7)"); |
| request.onsuccess = function(event) { |
| shouldBe("event.target.result", "1"); |
| }; |
| }; |
| |
| } |
| |
| function createIndexOnStoreWithData() |
| { |
| debug(""); |
| debug("Create an index on a populated store"); |
| evalAndLog("db.close()"); |
| |
| request = evalAndLog("indexedDB.open(dbname, 2)"); |
| request.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback; |
| request.onupgradeneeded = function() { |
| evalAndLog("db = event.target.result"); |
| evalAndLog("trans = event.target.transaction"); |
| trans.onabort = unexpectedAbortCallback; |
| |
| store = evalAndLog("store = trans.objectStore('store')"); |
| evalAndLog("store.createIndex('index-new', 'x', {multiEntry: true})"); |
| }; |
| request.onsuccess = function() { verifyIndexes('index-new', finishJSTest); }; |
| } |