blob: 12a056ce214498919a3b95f9a36d6e97e64112d6 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2019 The Khronos Group Inc.
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE.txt file.
GLSLConformanceTester = (function(){
var wtu = WebGLTestUtils;
var defaultVertexShader = [
"attribute vec4 vPosition;",
"void main()",
" gl_Position = vPosition;",
var defaultFragmentShader = [
"precision mediump float;",
"void main()",
" gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);",
var defaultESSL3VertexShader = [
"#version 300 es",
"in vec4 vPosition;",
"void main()",
" gl_Position = vPosition;",
var defaultESSL3FragmentShader = [
"#version 300 es",
"precision mediump float;",
"out vec4 my_FragColor;",
"void main()",
" my_FragColor = vec4(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);",
function log(msg) {
var vShaderDB = {};
var fShaderDB = {};
* The info parameter should contain the following keys. Note that you may leave
* the parameters for one shader out, in which case the default shader will be
* used.
* vShaderSource: the source code for vertex shader
* vShaderId: id of an element containing vertex shader source code. Used if
* vShaderSource is not specified.
* vShaderSuccess: true if vertex shader compilation should
* succeed.
* fShaderSource: the source code for fragment shader
* fShaderId: id of an element containing fragment shader source code. Used if
* fShaderSource is not specified.
* fShaderSuccess: true if fragment shader compilation should
* succeed.
* linkSuccess: true if link should succeed
* passMsg: msg to describe success condition.
* render: if true render to unit quad. Green = success
* uniforms: an array of objects specifying uniforms to set prior to rendering.
* Each object should have the following keys:
* name: uniform variable name in the shader source. Uniform location will
* be queried based on its name.
* functionName: name of the function used to set the uniform. For example:
* 'uniform1i'
* value: value of the uniform to set.
function runOneTest(gl, info) {
var passMsg = info.passMsg
debug("test: " + passMsg);
var consoleDiv = document.getElementById("console");
var vIsDefault = false;
var fIsDefault = false;
if (info.vShaderSource === undefined) {
if (info.vShaderId) {
info.vShaderSource = document.getElementById(info.vShaderId).text;
} else {
vIsDefault = true;
if (info.fShaderSource === undefined) {
if (info.fShaderId) {
info.fShaderSource = document.getElementById(info.fShaderId).text;
} else {
fIsDefault = true;
var vLabel = (vIsDefault ? "default" : "test") + " vertex shader";
var fLabel = (fIsDefault ? "default" : "test") + " fragment shader";
if (vIsDefault) {
info.vShaderSource = defaultVertexShader;
info.vShaderSuccess = true;
if (fIsDefault) {
info.fShaderSource = defaultFragmentShader;
info.fShaderSuccess = true;
if (vIsDefault != fIsDefault) {
// The language version of the default shader is chosen
// according to the language version of the other shader.
// We rely on "#version 300 es" being in this usual format.
// It must be on the first line of the shader according to the spec.
if (fIsDefault) {
// If we're using the default fragment shader, we need to make sure that
// it's language version matches with the vertex shader.
if (info.vShaderSource.split('\n')[0] == '#version 300 es') {
info.fShaderSource = defaultESSL3FragmentShader;
} else {
// If we're using the default vertex shader, we need to make sure that
// it's language version matches with the fragment shader.
if (info.fShaderSource.split('\n')[0] == '#version 300 es') {
info.vShaderSource = defaultESSL3VertexShader;
var vSource = info.vShaderPrep ? info.vShaderPrep(info.vShaderSource) :
if (!quietMode()) {
wtu.addShaderSource(consoleDiv, vLabel, vSource);
// Reuse identical shaders so we test shared shader.
var vShader = vShaderDB[vSource];
if (!vShader) {
// loadShader, with opt_skipCompileStatus: true.
vShader = wtu.loadShader(gl, vSource, gl.VERTEX_SHADER, null, null, null, null, true);
let compiledVShader = vShader;
if (vShader && !gl.getShaderParameter(vShader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
compiledVShader = null;
if (info.vShaderTest) {
if (!info.vShaderTest(compiledVShader)) {
testFailed("[vertex shader test] " + passMsg);
// As per GLSL 1.0.17 10.27 we can only check for success on
// compileShader, not failure.
if (!info.ignoreResults && info.vShaderSuccess && !compiledVShader) {
testFailed("[unexpected vertex shader compile status] (expected: " +
info.vShaderSuccess + ") " + passMsg);
if (!quietMode() && vShader) {
const info = gl.getShaderInfoLog(vShader);
wtu.addShaderSource(consoleDiv, vLabel + " info log", info);
// Save the shaders so we test shared shader.
if (compiledVShader) {
vShaderDB[vSource] = compiledVShader;
} else {
vShader = null;
var debugShaders = gl.getExtension('WEBGL_debug_shaders');
if (debugShaders && vShader && !quietMode()) {
wtu.addShaderSource(consoleDiv, vLabel + " translated for driver",
var fSource = info.fShaderPrep ? info.fShaderPrep(info.fShaderSource) :
if (!quietMode()) {
wtu.addShaderSource(consoleDiv, fLabel, fSource);
// Reuse identical shaders so we test shared shader.
var fShader = fShaderDB[fSource];
if (!fShader) {
// loadShader, with opt_skipCompileStatus: true.
fShader = wtu.loadShader(gl, fSource, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, null, null, null, null, true);
let compiledFShader = fShader;
if (fShader && !gl.getShaderParameter(fShader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
compiledFShader = null;
if (info.fShaderTest) {
if (!info.fShaderTest(compiledFShader)) {
testFailed("[fragment shader test] " + passMsg);
//debug(fShader == null ? "fail" : "succeed");
// As per GLSL 1.0.17 10.27 we can only check for success on
// compileShader, not failure.
if (!info.ignoreResults && info.fShaderSuccess && !compiledFShader) {
testFailed("[unexpected fragment shader compile status] (expected: " +
info.fShaderSuccess + ") " + passMsg);
if (!quietMode() && fShader) {
const info = gl.getShaderInfoLog(fShader);
wtu.addShaderSource(consoleDiv, fLabel + " info log", info);
// Safe the shaders so we test shared shader.
if (compiledFShader) {
fShaderDB[fSource] = compiledFShader;
} else {
fShader = null;
if (debugShaders && fShader && !quietMode()) {
wtu.addShaderSource(consoleDiv, fLabel + " translated for driver",
if (vShader && fShader) {
var program = gl.createProgram();
gl.attachShader(program, vShader);
gl.attachShader(program, fShader);
if (vSource.indexOf("vPosition") >= 0) {
gl.bindAttribLocation(program, 0, "vPosition");
if (vSource.indexOf("texCoord0") >= 0) {
gl.bindAttribLocation(program, 1, "texCoord0");
var linked = (gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS) != 0);
if (!linked) {
var error = gl.getProgramInfoLog(program);
log("*** Error linking program '"+program+"':"+error);
if (!info.ignoreResults && linked != info.linkSuccess) {
testFailed("[unexpected link status] (expected: " +
info.linkSuccess + ") " + passMsg);
} else {
if (!info.ignoreResults && info.linkSuccess) {
testFailed("[link failed] " + passMsg);
if (parseInt(wtu.getUrlOptions().dumpShaders)) {
var vInfo = {
shader: vShader,
shaderSuccess: info.vShaderSuccess,
label: vLabel,
source: vSource
var fInfo = {
shader: fShader,
shaderSuccess: info.fShaderSuccess,
label: fLabel,
source: fSource
wtu.dumpShadersInfo(gl, window.location.pathname, passMsg, vInfo, fInfo);
if (!info.render) {
if (info.uniforms !== undefined) {
for (var i = 0; i < info.uniforms.length; ++i) {
var uniform = info.uniforms[i];
var uniformLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program,;
if (uniformLocation !== null) {
if (uniform.functionName.includes("Matrix")) {
gl[uniform.functionName](uniformLocation, false, uniform.value);
} else {
gl[uniform.functionName](uniformLocation, uniform.value);
debug( + ' set to ' + uniform.value);
} else {
debug('uniform ' + + ' had null location and was not set');
if (info.uniformBlocks !== undefined) {
for (var i = 0; i < info.uniformBlocks.length; ++i) {
var uniformBlockIndex = gl.getUniformBlockIndex(program, info.uniformBlocks[i].name);
if (uniformBlockIndex !== null) {
gl.uniformBlockBinding(program, uniformBlockIndex, i);
debug(info.uniformBlocks[i].name + ' (index ' + uniformBlockIndex + ') bound to slot ' + i);
var uboValueBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBufferBase(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, i, uboValueBuffer);
gl.bufferData(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, info.uniformBlocks[i].value, info.uniformBlocks[i].usage || gl.STATIC_DRAW);
} else {
debug('uniform block' + info.uniformBlocks[i].name + ' had null block index and was not set');
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.className = "testimages";
wtu.insertImage(div, "result", wtu.makeImageFromCanvas(gl.canvas));
var tolerance = 0;
if (info.renderTolerance !== undefined) {
tolerance = info.renderTolerance;
if (info.renderColor !== undefined) {
wtu.checkCanvas(gl, info.renderColor, "should be expected color " + info.renderColor, tolerance);
} else {
wtu.checkCanvas(gl, [0, 255, 0, 255], "should be green", tolerance);
function runTests(shaderInfos, opt_contextVersion) {
var wtu = WebGLTestUtils;
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = 32;
canvas.height = 32;
var gl = wtu.create3DContext(canvas, undefined, opt_contextVersion);
if (!gl) {
testFailed("context does not exist");
for (var i = 0; i < shaderInfos.length; i++) {
runOneTest(gl, shaderInfos[i]);
function getSource(elem) {
var str = elem.text;
return str.replace(/^\s*/, '').replace(/\s*$/, '');
function getPassMessage(source) {
var lines = source.split('\n');
return lines[0].substring(3);
function getSuccess(msg) {
if (msg.indexOf("fail") >= 0) {
return false;
if (msg.indexOf("succeed") >= 0) {
return true;
testFailed("bad test description. Must have 'fail' or 'succeed'");
function setupTest() {
var info = {};
var vShaderElem = document.getElementById('vertexShader');
if (vShaderElem) {
info.vShaderSource = getSource(vShaderElem);
info.passMsg = getPassMessage(info.vShaderSource);
info.vShaderSuccess = getSuccess(info.passMsg);
var fShaderElem = document.getElementById('fragmentShader');
if (fShaderElem) {
info.fShaderSource = getSource(fShaderElem);
info.passMsg = getPassMessage(info.fShaderSource);
info.fShaderSuccess = getSuccess(info.passMsg);
// linkSuccess should be true if shader success value is undefined or true for both shaders.
info.linkSuccess = info.vShaderSuccess !== false && info.fShaderSuccess !== false;
if (info.passMsg === undefined) {
testFailed("no test shader found.");
return info;
function runTest() {
var info = setupTest();
function runRenderTests(tests, opt_contextVersion) {
for (var ii = 0; ii < tests.length; ++ii) {
tests[ii].render = true
runTests(tests, opt_contextVersion);
function runRenderTest() {
var info = setupTest();
return {
runTest: runTest,
runTests: runTests,
runRenderTest: runRenderTest,
runRenderTests: runRenderTests