| description("Regression test for https://webkit.org/b/151279."); |
| // This test verifies that a megamorphic tail call from the first callee from C++ code |
| // works without crashing. |
| function foo(thisArgument) |
| return this.call(...arguments); |
| var fixedDate = new Date(2011, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11); |
| boundFuncs[0] = foo.bind(Date.prototype.getSeconds, fixedDate); |
| boundFuncs[1] = foo.bind(Date.prototype.getMinutes, fixedDate); |
| boundFuncs[2] = foo.bind(Date.prototype.getHours, fixedDate); |
| boundFuncs[3] = foo.bind(Date.prototype.getDate, fixedDate); |
| boundFuncs[4] = foo.bind(Date.prototype.getMonth, fixedDate); |
| boundFuncs[5] = foo.bind(bar, 0); |
| for (var i = 0; i < 200000; i++) { |
| got = boundFuncs[i % 6](); |
| testFailed("Function returned " + got + " but expected 11!"); |
| testPassed("Properly handled megamorphic tail call from a JS entry function"); |