blob: 642109cf18b9a8b4f08eb0fb63bf6b2901d4129f [file] [log] [blame]
// This file tests the names of all the classes with builtin Symbol.toStringTags and Object.prototype.toString().
foo = { };
foo[Symbol.toStringTag] = "test the tag";
if (foo != "[object test the tag]")
throw "failed on custom toStringTag";
function toStr(obj) {
function strName(str) { return "[object " + str + "]"; }
if (toStr(Symbol()) !== strName("Symbol"))
throw "failed on Symbol";
if (toStr(Symbol.prototype) !== strName("Symbol"))
throw "failed on Symbol.prototype";
objects = ["JSON", "Math"];
for (name of objects) {
value = eval(name)
if (toStr(value) !== strName(name))
throw "failed on " + name;
iterators = ['Array', 'Map', 'Set', 'String'];
for (name of iterators) {
value = eval('new ' + name + '()[Symbol.iterator]()');
if (toStr(value) !== strName(name + ' Iterator'))
throw 'failed on Iterator of ' + name;
if (toStr(Object.getPrototypeOf(value)) !== strName(name + ' Iterator'))
throw 'failed on Iterator.prototype of ' + name;
classes = { "ArrayBuffer": 10, "DataView": new ArrayBuffer(10), "Promise": function() { return 1 }, "Set": undefined, "WeakMap": undefined, "WeakSet": undefined };
for (name in classes) {
value = eval(name);
if (toStr(new value(classes[name])) !== strName(name))
throw "failed on new object of " + name;
if (toStr(value.prototype) !== strName(name))
throw "failed on prototype of " + name;