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// Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
// ES6 Generators functionality tests -- verifies behavior of generator functions
function ExpectedException() {
this.message = "Expected Exception";
var x = 0;
function CreateIterable(nextFunc, returnFunc, throwFunc) {
return {
[Symbol.iterator]: function () {
var obj = { i : 1 };
if (nextFunc) { = nextFunc;
if (returnFunc) {
obj.return = returnFunc;
if (throwFunc) {
obj.throw = throwFunc;
return obj;
function simpleNextFunc() {
return {
done: this.i == 3,
value: this.i++
function simpleReturnFunc() {
return {
done: true,
value: undefined
function simpleThrowFunc() {
return {
done: true,
value: undefined
var global = (function() { return this; }());
var tests = [
name: "Simple generator functions with no parameters or locals or captures",
body: function () {
function* gf1() { }
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true }, gf1().next(), "Empty generator is complete on first call to next and returns undefined");
function* gf2() { return 123; }
assert.areEqual({ value: 123, done: true }, gf2().next(), "Generator that returns value but does not yield is complete on first call to next and returns that value");
function* gf3() { yield 1; }
var g3 = gf3();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "Generator that yields once is not complete on the first call but returns the yielded value");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Generator that yields once is complete on the second call and returns undefined");
function* gf4() { yield 1; return 123; }
var g4 = gf4();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "Generator that yields once is not complete on the first call but returns the yielded value");
assert.areEqual({ value: 123, done: true },, "Generator that yields once and has explicit return is complete on the second call and returns the specified value");
function* gf5() { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; return 10; }
var g5 = gf5();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "Generator with three yields, first call to next gives first yielded value");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Generator with three yields, second call to next gives second yielded value");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false },, "Generator with three yields, third call to next gives third yielded value");
assert.areEqual({ value: 10, done: true },, "Generator with three yields, fourth call to next gives return value");
name: "Calling a completed generator returns { value: undefined, done: true }",
body: function () {
function* gf() { yield 1; return 0; }
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "Just make sure we get the yield value");
assert.areEqual({ value: 0, done: true },, "Just make sure we get the return value");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Calling completed generator gives back undefined and iteration complete");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Calling completed generator gives back undefined and iteration complete second time");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Calling completed generator gives back undefined and iteration complete every time");
name: "A single generator function creates distinct generator objects each time it is called",
body: function () {
function* gf() { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; return 0; }
var g1 = gf();
var g2 = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "next() on first generator returns first yielded value");
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "interleaved call to next() on second generator returns first yielded value");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "interleaved next() on first generator returns second yielded value");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "interleaved call to next() on second generator returns second yielded value");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false },, "interleaved next() on first generator returns third yielded value");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false },, "interleaved call to next() on second generator returns third yielded value");
assert.areEqual({ value: 0, done: true },, "interleaved next() on first generator finishes it with return value");
assert.areEqual({ value: 0, done: true },, "interleaved call to next() on second generator finishes it with return value");
var g3 = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "independent next() on third generator returns first yielded value");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "independent next() on third generator returns second yielded value");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false },, "independent next() on third generator returns third yielded value");
assert.areEqual({ value: 0, done: true },, "independent next() on third generator finishes it with return value");
name: "Sanity check: generator used in for-of works as expected",
body: function () {
function* gf() { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; return 0; }
var a = [];
for (let x of gf()) {
assert.areEqual(3, a.length, "for-of loop only had as many iterations as there were yields in the generator");
assert.areEqual(1, a[0], "for-of loop first iteration value was first yielded value of generator");
assert.areEqual(2, a[1], "for-of loop second iteration value was second yielded value of generator");
assert.areEqual(3, a[2], "for-of loop third iteration value was third yielded value of generator");
name: "Yield expression result value is the argument value that was passed to next()",
body: function () {
function* gf() {
assert.areEqual('a', yield 1, "Second call to next() passes argument as result of first yield");
assert.areEqual('b', yield 2, "Third call to next() passes argument as result of first yield");
assert.areEqual('c', yield 3, "Fourth call to next() passes argument as result of first yield");
return 0;
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },'ignored'), "Sanity check that result value is first yield value and note that the argument to the first call to next is silently ignored");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },'a'), "Sanity check that result value is second yield value");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false },'b'), "Sanity check that result value is third yield value");
assert.areEqual({ value: 0, done: true },'c'), "Sanity check that result value is return value");
name: "Generator function with locals that span yields",
body: function () {
function* gf() {
var a = 0, b = 1;
yield a; a += b++;
yield a; a += b++;
yield a; a += b++;
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual(0,, "Initial value of a from the generator");
assert.areEqual(1,, "Second value of a, incremented by initial value of b, from the generator");
assert.areEqual(3,, "Third value of a, incremented by second value of b, from the generator");
name: "Generator function with parameters",
body: function () {
function* gf(a, b, c) {
yield a;
yield b;
yield c;
var g = gf(0, 1, 2);
assert.areEqual(0,, "Initial value is first argument");
assert.areEqual(1,, "Second value is second argument");
assert.areEqual(2,, "Third value is third argument");
g = gf(0);
assert.areEqual(0,, "Initial value is first and only given argument");
assert.areEqual(undefined,, "Second value is undefined for unspecified argument");
assert.areEqual(undefined,, "Third value is undefined for unspecified argument");
g = gf(3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
assert.areEqual(3,, "Initial value is first argument (more arguments than formal parameters)");
assert.areEqual(4,, "Second value is second argument (more arguments than formal parameters)");
assert.areEqual(5,, "Third value is third argument (more arguments than formal parameters)");
assert.areEqual(undefined,, "Last value is undefined, extra arguments ignored");
name: "Generator functions with rest parameter",
body: function () {
function* gf1(...r) {
for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i += 1) {
yield r[i];
var g = gf1();
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "gf1 yields no values when given no arguments");
g = gf1(0);
assert.areEqual(0,, "Initial value is first argument passed in");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "gf1 is complete after first argument yielded");
g = gf1(0, 1, 2, 3);
assert.areEqual(0,, "Initial value is first argument passed in");
assert.areEqual(1,, "Second value is second argument passed in");
assert.areEqual(2,, "Third value is third argument passed in");
assert.areEqual(3,, "Fourth value is fourth argument passed in");
assert.areEqual(undefined,, "gf1 is complete after last argument yielded");
function* gf2(a, b, ...r) {
for (var i = r.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
yield r[i];
yield b;
yield a;
g = gf2();
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: false },, "Initial value is undefined for unspecified second argument");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: false },, "Second value is undefined for unspecified first argument");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "gf2 is complete after yielding first two formal parameters despite them being unspecified");
g = gf2(0, 1);
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "Initial value is second argument");
assert.areEqual({ value: 0, done: false },, "Second value is first argument");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "gf2 is complete after yielding first two formal parameters since rest parameter is empty");
g = gf2(0, 1, 2, 3, 4);
assert.areEqual({ value: 4, done: false },, "Initial value is third rest parameter argument");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false },, "Second value is second rest parameter argument");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Third value is first rest parameter argument");
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "Fourth value is second argument");
assert.areEqual({ value: 0, done: false },, "Fifth value is first argument");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "gf2 is complete after yielding first two formal parameters since rest parameter is empty");
name: "Generator functions with this reference",
body: function () {
function* gf(a) {
yield 1 + a + this.a;
g ={a : 100}, 10);
assert.areEqual({value : 111, done: false},, "Returns the sum of 1, argument and the this's property's");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Generator is in completed state");
name: "Generator declarations and methods cannot be used as a constructor",
body: function () {
function* gf(a) { yield 1 + a + this.a; }
assert.throws( function () { new gf(); }, TypeError, "Generator declarations used as constructor throws TypeError", "Function is not a constructor");
assert.throws( function () { new gf(10); }, TypeError, "Generator declarations used as constructor with parameters throws TypeError", "Function is not a constructor");
var obj1 = { *gf() {} };
assert.throws( function () { new; }, TypeError, "Generator methods used as constructor throws TypeError", "Function is not a constructor");
class c { *gf() {} };
var obj2 = new c();
assert.throws( function () { new; }, TypeError, "Generator methods in class used as constructor throws TypeError", "Function is not a constructor");
name: "Generator function using arguments.length where arguments does not escape",
body: function () {
function* gf() {
return arguments.length;
assert.areEqual(0, gf().next().value, "Passing zero arguments should result in length of 0");
assert.areEqual(1, gf(0).next().value, "Passing one arguments should result in length of 1");
assert.areEqual(3, gf(0, 1, 2).next().value, "Passing three arguments should result in length of 3");
name: "Generator function using arguments elements where arguments does not escape",
body: function () {
function* gf() {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 1) {
yield arguments[i];
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "No results yielded if arguments is empty");
g = gf(0);
assert.areEqual({ value: 0, done: false },, "Passing one argument should yield back that argument");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Generator is in completed state after yielding the one argument");
g = gf(0, 1, 2);
assert.areEqual({ value: 0, done: false },, "First value is the first argument");
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "Second value is the second argument");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Third value is the third argument");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Generator is in completed state after yielding the three arguments");
name: "Generator function that captures outer scope locals",
body: function () {
function f(a) {
let b = 0;
function* gf() {
yield a++;
yield b++;
yield a++;
yield b++;
return gf;
var gf = f(10);
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual(10,, "First value for a is initial 10 from the argument given in the call to f()");
assert.areEqual( 0,, "First value for b is 0 from initialization in f()");
assert.areEqual(11,, "Second value for a is the next integer value");
assert.areEqual( 1,, "Second value for b is the next integer value");
assert.areEqual(undefined,, "Only four yields, return value is undefined");
g = gf();
assert.areEqual(12,, "New generator uses the same a so this is the third value which is the next integer value");
assert.areEqual( 2,, "New generator uses the same b so this is the third value which is the next integer value");
assert.areEqual(13,, "Fourth value for a is the next integer value");
assert.areEqual( 3,, "Fourth value for b is the next integer value");
assert.areEqual(undefined,, "Only four yields, so again, return value is undefined");
gf = f(5);
g = gf();
assert.areEqual(5,, "New instance of the generator function from a second call to f where a starts at the argument given in the second call to f()");
assert.areEqual(0,, "New instance of the generator function from a second call to f where b is 0 from initialization in f()");
assert.areEqual(6,, "Second value for a in new environment is the next integer value");
assert.areEqual(1,, "Second value for b in new environment is the next integer value");
name: "Yield expressions inside control flow constructs: if/else-if/else statement",
body: function () {
function* gf(a) {
if (a === 'if') {
yield 1;
} else if (a === 'else if') {
yield 2;
} else {
yield 3;
return 0;
var g = gf('if');
assert.areEqual(1,, "This generator yields from the if branch");
assert.areEqual(0,, "It does not yield from the else-if or else branches and hits the return statement");
g = gf('else if');
assert.areEqual(2,, "This generator yields from the else-if branch");
assert.areEqual(0,, "It does not yield from the else branch and hits the return statement");
g = gf();
assert.areEqual(3,, "This generator yields from the else branch");
assert.areEqual(0,, "And hits the return statement");
name: "Yield expressions inside control flow constructs: switch statement",
body: function () {
function* gf(a) {
switch (a) {
case 1:
yield 1;
case 2:
yield 2;
// fallthrough
case 3:
yield 3;
yield -1;
return 0;
var g = gf(1);
assert.areEqual(1,, "This generator yields from case 1");
assert.areEqual(0,, "It then breaks and hits the return statement");
g = gf(2);
assert.areEqual(2,, "This generator yields from case 2");
assert.areEqual(3,, "It then falls through and yields from case 3");
assert.areEqual(0,, "And then it breaks and hits the return statement");
var g = gf(3);
assert.areEqual(3,, "This generator yields from case 3");
assert.areEqual(0,, "It then breaks and hits the return statement");
var g = gf(4);
assert.areEqual(-1,, "This generator yields from the default case");
assert.areEqual(0,, "It then breaks and hits the return statement");
name: "Yield expressions inside control flow constructs: while loop statement",
body: function () {
function* gf() {
var a = 1;
while (a < 3) {
yield a;
a += 1;
return 0;
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual(1,, "This generator yields 1 on the first iteration of the while loop");
assert.areEqual(2,, "This generator yields 2 on the second iteration of the while loop");
assert.areEqual(0,, "And completes the loop there and hits the return statement");
name: "Yield expressions inside control flow constructs: for loop statement",
body: function () {
function* gf() {
for (var a = 1; a < 3; a++) {
yield a;
return 0;
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual(1,, "This generator yields 1 on the first iteration of the for loop");
assert.areEqual(2,, "This generator yields 2 on the second iteration of the for loop");
assert.areEqual(0,, "And completes the loop there and hits the return statement");
name: "Yield expressions inside control flow constructs: for-in loop statement",
body: function () {
function* gf() {
var o = { a: '', b: '' };
for (var a in o) {
yield a;
return 0;
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual('a',, "This generator yields property name 'a' on the first iteration of the for-in loop");
assert.areEqual('b',, "This generator yields property name 'b' on the second iteration of the for-in loop");
assert.areEqual(0,, "And completes the loop there and hits the return statement");
name: "Yield expressions inside control flow constructs: for-of loop statement",
body: function () {
function* gf() {
for (var a of [1, 2]) {
yield a;
return 0;
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual(1,, "This generator yields 1 on the first iteration of the for-of loop");
assert.areEqual(2,, "This generator yields 2 on the second iteration of the for-of loop");
assert.areEqual(0,, "And completes the loop there and hits the return statement");
name: "Yield expression in a return statement doesn't clobber R0 register used by return statement",
body: function () {
function* gf1() {
return {
[yield 1]: 2
var g = gf1();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "The yield's result value is not somehow corrupted by being part of a return statement (in computed property)");
assert.areEqual({ value: { foo: 2 }, done: true },"foo"), "The generator's return value is not corrupted by the yield");
function* gf2() {
return yield 1;
g = gf2();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "The yield's result value is not somehow corrupted by being part of a return statement");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: true },, "The generator's return value is the yield's result value");
name: "Generator that throws is put in completed state",
body: function () {
function* gf() {
throw new Error();
yield 10;
return 20;
var g = gf();
assert.throws(function () {; }, Error, "Generator immediately throws a new Error object");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "The generator is now completed so successive calls to next() return done: true; it does not yield 10");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "The generator is now completed so successive calls to next() return done: true; it does not return 20");
name: "Cannot reenter an active generator function",
body: function () {
function* gf() {
assert.throws(function () { }, TypeError, "Calling next() on an active generator throws TypeError", " Cannot execute generator function because it is currently executing");
assert.throws(function () { g.return(1) }, TypeError, "Calling return() on an active generator throws TypeError", "Generator.prototype.return: Cannot execute generator function because it is currently executing");
assert.throws(function () { g.throw(1) }, TypeError, "Calling throw() on an active generator throws TypeError", "Generator.prototype.throw: Cannot execute generator function because it is currently executing");
return 123;
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 123, done: true },, "Ensure that gf() executed");
name: "toString() of a generator function should match the script code same as normal functions",
body: function () {
function* gf1() { }
function* gf2(a, b, c) {
yield a + b + c;
var gf3 = function* () { };
assert.areEqual("function* gf1() { }", gf1.toString(), "generator function declaration as a string");
assert.areEqual("function* gf2(a, b, c) {\r\n yield a + b + c;\r\n }", gf2.toString(), "generator function declaration with new lines, parameters and body as a string");
assert.areEqual("function* () { }", gf3.toString(), "anonymous generator function expression as a string");
name: "GeneratorFunction constructor creates generator functions named anonymous",
body: function () {
var GeneratorFunction = Object.getPrototypeOf(function* () { }).constructor;
var gf = new GeneratorFunction('yield 1; return 0;');
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual("function* anonymous(\n) {yield 1; return 0;\n}", gf.toString(), "toString of GeneratorFunction constructed function is named anonymous");
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "gf is a generator function whose body yield's 1 then returns 0");
assert.areEqual({ value: 0, done: true },, "gf is a generator function whose body yield's 1 then returns 0");
gf = new GeneratorFunction('a', 'b', 'c', 'yield a; yield b; yield c;');
g = gf(1, 2, 3);
assert.areEqual("function* anonymous(a,b,c\n) {yield a; yield b; yield c;\n}", gf.toString(), "toString of GeneratorFunction constructed function is named anonymous with specified parameters");
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "gf is a generator function that takes three parameters and yields each of them in turn");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "gf is a generator function that takes three parameters and yields each of them in turn");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false },, "gf is a generator function that takes three parameters and yields each of them in turn");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "gf is a generator function that takes three parameters and yields each of them in turn");
name: "Generator function expression with name should map name to the generator function object",
body: function () {
var gf = function* gfrec() {
return gfrec;
var x = gf().next().value;
assert.areEqual(gf, x, "gfrec should refer to the same object returned by the function expression");
name: "Yield from try and catch blocks",
body: function () {
var gf = function* () { try { yield 1; } catch (ex) { }}
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Second next call should have done as true");
gf = function* () { try { throw ""; } catch (ex) { yield 1; }}
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Return from catch block");
gf = function* () { yield 1; try { yield 2; throw 3; } catch (ex) { yield ex; } yield 4; return 5;}
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the function body");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return 2 from the try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false },, "Third next call should return 3 from the catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 4, done: false },, "Forth next call should return 4 from the function body");
assert.areEqual({ value: 5, done: true },, "Return statement from function body");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Return from catch block");
gf = function* () { try { throw 2; } catch (ex) { yield 1; throw new ExpectedException(); }"Control shouldn't reach here"); }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from catch block with throw");
assert.throws(function() { }, ExpectedException, "Second next call is expected to throw an exception");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Return from catch block");
name: "Yield from try-finally blocks",
body: function () {
var gf = function* gf() { try { yield 1; } finally { yield 2; return 3; }}
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return 2 from finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: true },, "Third next call should return 3 from finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Forth next call should have done as true");
gf = function* () { try { yield 1; throw new ExpectedException(); } finally { yield 2; }}
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return 2 from finally block");
assert.throws(function() { }, ExpectedException, "Third next call is expected to throw an exception from try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Forth next call should have done as true");
gf = function* () { try { yield 1; } finally { yield 2; throw new ExpectedException(); }}
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return 2 from finally block");
assert.throws(function() {; }, ExpectedException, "Third next call is expected to throw an exception from finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Forth next call should have done as true");
gf = function* () { try { return 2; } finally { yield 1; } }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: true },, "Second next call should return 2 from finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Forth next call should have done as true");
name: "Nested blocks of try-catch-finally blocks",
body: function () {
var gf = function* () { yield 1; try { yield 2; throw 3; } catch (e) { yield e; } finally { yield 4; } yield 5; }
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the function body");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return 2 from the try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false },, "Third next call should return 3 from the catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 4, done: false },, "Forth next call should return 4 from the finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 5, done: false },, "Fifth next call should return 5 from the function body");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Return from catch block");
gf = function* () { yield 1; try { try { yield 2; throw 4; } finally { yield 3; } yield 100; } catch (e) { yield e; } }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the function body");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return 2 from the inner try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false },, "Third next call should return 3 from the inner finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 4, done: false },, "Forth next call should return 4 from the outer catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Return from catch block");
gf = function* () { yield 1; try { try { yield 2; throw new ExpectedException(); } finally { yield 3; } yield 100; } finally { yield 4; } }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the function body");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return 2 from the inner try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false },, "Third next call should return 3 from the inner finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 4, done: false },, "Forth next call should return 4 from the outer finally block");
assert.throws(function() {; }, ExpectedException, "Fifth next call is expected to throw an exception");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Return from catch block");
gf = function* () { yield 1; try { try { yield 2; throw 3; } catch(ex) { yield ex; } throw 4; } catch(ex) { yield ex; } }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the function body");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return 2 from the inner try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false },, "Third next call should return 3 from the inner catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 4, done: false },, "Forth next call should return 4 from the outer catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Return from catch block");
gf = function* () { yield 1; try { try { yield 2; throw 3; } catch(ex) { yield ex; } throw new ExpectedException(); } finally { yield 4; } }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the function body");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return 2 from the inner try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false },, "Third next call should return 3 from the inner catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 4, done: false },, "Forth next call should return 4 from the outer finally block");
assert.throws(function() {; }, ExpectedException, "Fifth next call is expected throw an exception");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Return from catch block");
gf = function* () { yield 1; try { yield 2; try { yield 3; throw 4; } catch (ex) { yield ex; } yield 5; throw 6; } catch (ex) { yield ex; } return 7;}
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the function body");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return 2 from the outer try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false },, "Third next call should return 3 from the inner try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 4, done: false },, "Forth next call should return 4 from the inner catch body");
assert.areEqual({ value: 5, done: false },, "Fifth next call should return 5 after the end of inner catch body");
assert.areEqual({ value: 6, done: false },, "Sixth next call should return 6 from the outer catch body");
assert.areEqual({ value: 7, done: true },, "Return statement from function body");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Return from catch block");
gf = function* () { yield 1; try { yield 2; throw 6; } catch (ex) { try { yield 3; throw 4; } catch (ex) { yield ex; } yield 5; yield ex; } return 7;}
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the function body");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return 2 from the outer try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false },, "Third next call should return 3 from the inner try block from the outer catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 4, done: false },, "Forth next call should return 4 from the inner catch body from the outer catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 5, done: false },, "Fifth next call should return 5 after the end of inner catch body from the outer catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 6, done: false },, "Sixth next call should return 6 from the outer catch body");
assert.areEqual({ value: 7, done: true },, "Return statement from function body");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Return from catch block");
gf = function* () { var x = 1; yield x; try { x = 2; yield x; x = 3; try { yield x; x = 4; throw x; } catch (ex) { yield ex; x = 5; } yield x; throw (x = 6); } catch (ex) { yield x; } x = 7; return x;}
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return the value of x as 1 from the function body");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return the value of x as 2 from the outer try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false },, "Third next call should return the value of x as 3 from the inner try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 4, done: false },, "Forth next call should return the value of x as 4 from the inner catch body");
assert.areEqual({ value: 5, done: false },, "Fifth next call should return the value of x as 5 after the end of inner catch body");
assert.areEqual({ value: 6, done: false },, "Sixth next call should return the value of x as 6 from the outer catch body");
assert.areEqual({ value: 7, done: true },, "Return statement from function the value of x as body");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Return from catch block");
gf = function* () { try { try { return 100; } finally { throw 1; } } catch(e) { yield e; } yield 2; }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the outer catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return 2 from the outer function body cancelling the return statement");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Return from the function body");
name: "Test cases with throw api invoked at different states of a generator function where the exception is thrown out of the method",
body: function () {
var gf = function* () { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; return 5; }
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1");
assert.throws(function() { g.throw(new ExpectedException()); }, ExpectedException, "Throw call is expected to throw the exception out as the function is not handling it");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Second next call should return undefined as the throw caused a completion of the generator");
gf = function* () { yield 1; }
g = gf();
assert.throws(function() { g.throw(new ExpectedException()); }, ExpectedException, "Throw call is expected to throw the exception out as the function is not handling it");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Next call after throw should return undefined as the throw caused a completion of the generator");
gf = function* () { yield 1; }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1");
assert.throws(function() { g.throw(new ExpectedException()); }, ExpectedException, "Throw call is expected to throw the exception out as the function is not handling it");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Next call after throw should return undefined as the throw caused a completion of the generator");
gf = function* () { yield 1; yield 2; }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1");
assert.throws(function() { g.throw(new ExpectedException()); }, ExpectedException, "Throw call is expected to throw the exception out as the function is not handling it");
assert.throws(function() { g.throw(new ExpectedException()); }, ExpectedException, "Second Throw call is also expected to throw the exception out as the function is not handling it");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Next call after throw should return undefined as the throw caused a completion of the generator");
gf = function* () { yield 1; }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1");
assert.throws(function() { g.throw(); }, undefined, "Throw call without any args should throw undefined");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Next call after throw should return undefined as the throw caused a completion of the generator");
name: "test cases for throw api where the exception is handled by the generator through catch block",
body: function() {
var gf = function* () { try { yield 1; throw 100; } catch (ex) { yield ex; }}
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from try block");
assert.areEqual({value: 2, done: false }, g.throw(2), "After throwing the yield should happen from the catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Generator is in completed state");
gf = function* () { try { yield 1; throw 2; } catch (ex) { yield ex; yield 100; }"Control should never reach here"); }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from try block");
assert.areEqual({value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return 2 from the catch block");
assert.throws(function() { g.throw(new ExpectedException()) }, ExpectedException, "The throw happens before the try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Generator is in completed state");
name: "Test cases to make sure when a throw occurs the finally blocks are executed as expected",
body: function () {
var gf = function* () { try { yield 1; } finally { yield 2; }"Control should never reach here"); }
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false }, g.throw(new ExpectedException()), "Throw will causes the execution of the finally block");
assert.throws(function() { }, ExpectedException, "Second next call should cause the exception to occur after ");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Forth next call should have done as true");
gf = function* () { try { yield 1; throw 100; } finally { yield 2; }}
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false }, g.throw(new ExpectedException()), "Throw causes the execution of the finally block");
assert.throws(function() { }, ExpectedException, "Second next call is expected to throw an exception from try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Forth next call should have done as true");
gf = function* () { try { yield 1; } finally { yield 2; throw new ExpectedException(); }}
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false }, g.throw(3), "Throw causes the execution of the finally block");
assert.throws(function() {; }, ExpectedException, "Second next call is expected to throw an exception from finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Forth next call should have done as true");
gf = function* () { try { return 2; } finally { yield 1; } }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from try block");
assert.throws(function() { g.throw(new ExpectedException()) }, ExpectedException, "Throw causes the return to be aborted and the exception to occur");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Second next call should have done as true");
name: "Throw api called when the generator resumes from inside the nested blocks of try-catch-finally",
body: function () {
var gf = function* () { try { yield 1; } catch (e) { yield e; } finally { yield 3; }"Control should not reach here"); }
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false }, g.throw(2), "Throw causes the catch block to be executed");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false },, "Second next call should return 3 from the finally block");
assert.throws(function() { g.throw(new ExpectedException()); }, ExpectedException, "Second throw causes a throw from finally and ends the method");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Method execution has finished");
gf = function* () { try { try { yield 1; } finally { yield 2; }"Control should never reach here"); } catch (e) { yield e; } }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the inner try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false }, g.throw(3), "Throw causes the inner finally block to be executed");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false },, "Second next call should return 3 from the catch block");
assert.throws(function() { g.throw(new ExpectedException()) }, ExpectedException, "Second throw causes an exception from the catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Method execution has finished");
gf = function* () { try { try { yield 1; throw 100; } finally { yield 2; yield 100; } } finally { yield 3; } }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the inner try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return 2 from the inner finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false }, g.throw(new ExpectedException()), "Exception on the inner finally block causes the execution of the second finally block");
assert.throws(function() { }, ExpectedException, "Third next call causes the previous exception to be thrown");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Method execution has finished");
gf = function* () { try { try { yield 1; throw 2; } catch(ex) { yield ex; } throw 100; } catch(ex) { yield ex; } }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the inner try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return 2 from the inner catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false }, g.throw(3), "Throw causes an exception from inner catch block and the outer catch block catches it");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Method execution has finished");
gf = function* () { try { try { yield 1; throw 2; } catch(ex) { yield ex; } yield 3; } finally { yield 4; } }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the inner try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return 2 from the inner catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false },, "Third next call should return 3 from the inner catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 4, done: false }, g.throw(new ExpectedException()), "Throw causes the execution of finally block");
assert.throws(function() {; }, ExpectedException, "Forth next call is expected throw an exception");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Method execution has finished");
var x = 1;
gf = function* () { try { yield x; x = 2; try { yield x; } catch (ex) { yield ex; x = 4; } yield x; } catch (ex) { yield x; } x = 6; return x;}
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return the value of x as 1 from the outer try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return the value of x as 2 from the inner try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false }, g.throw(x = 3), "Throw causes the execution of inner catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 4, done: false },, "Third next call should return the value of x as 4 after the inner catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 5, done: false }, g.throw(x = 5), "Second throw causes the outer catch block to be executed");
assert.areEqual({ value: 6, done: true },, "Forth next call should return the value of x as 6 from the function body");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Method execution has finished");
gf = function* () { try { try { return 100; } finally { yield 1; } } catch(e) { yield e; } yield 3; }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false }, g.throw(2), "Throw causes the execution of the catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false },, "Second next call should return 1 from the outer catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Method execution has finished");
name: "Test cases with return api invoked at different state of the generator method",
body: function () {
var gf = function* () { yield 1;"Control should never reach here"); }
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First yield call returns 1");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: true }, g.return(2), "Return statement returns the value passed in");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Earlier return api invocation completes the method");
gf = function* () {"Control should never reach here"); }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: true }, g.return(1), "Calling return when function is in the suspended start state will cause the value to be returned");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Function is in complete state after the return call")
gf = function* () { yield 1; }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First yield call returns 1");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: true }, g.return(2), "Return statement returns the value passed in");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: true }, g.return(3), "Return statement returns the value passed in even if the method is in complete state");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Earlier return api invocation completes the method");
gf = function* () { for (i = 1; i < 3; i += 2) { yield i; } assert("Control should never reach here"); }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First yield call returns 1 from the loop");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: true }, g.return(2), "Return statement returns the value passed in");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Earlier return api invocation completes the method");
gf = function* () { yield 1; return "Control should never reach here"; }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call returns 1");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: true }, g.return(2), "Return statement returns the value passed in");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Earlier return api invocation completes the method");
gf = function* () { yield 1; }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true }, g.return(), "Return call without any args should return undefined");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Next call after throw should return undefined as the throw caused a completion of the generator");
name: "Test cases with return api invoked while the generator resumes inside one of the try-catch-finally block",
body: function () {
var gf = function* () { try { yield 1; } catch (ex) { }}
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: true }, g.return(2), "Return statement completes the function from try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Generator is already in completed state");
gf = function* () { try { try { yield 1; } finally { yield 2; } } catch (e) { yield e; } }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the inner try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call returns from the finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: true }, g.return(3), "Return skips the catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Method execution has finished");
gf = function* () { try { yield 1;"Control should never reach here"); } finally { yield 2; return 3; }}
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false }, g.return(100), "Return next call should return 2 from finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: true },, "Return call causes return from the finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Generator is already in completed state");
gf = function* () { try { throw 1; } catch (e) { yield e; } finally { yield 2; return 3; } }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false }, g.return(100), "Return causes the finally block to execute");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: true },, "Second next call should return 3 from the end of finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Method execution has finished");
gf = function* () { try { throw 1; } catch (e) { yield e; } finally { yield 2; throw new ExpectedException(); } }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false }, g.return(100), "Return causes the finally block to execute");
assert.throws(function () {; }, ExpectedException, "Second next call should throw from finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Method execution has finished");
name: "Return api scenarios where the actual return statement is ignored",
body: function () {
var gf = function* () { try { yield 1; } finally { yield 2; return 100; }}
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return 2 from finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: true }, g.return(3), "Return call causes return from the finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Generator is already in completed state");
gf = function* () { try { try { return 100; } finally { throw 1; } } catch(e) { yield e; }"Control should never reach here"); }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the outer catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: true }, g.return(2), "Return call completes the generator and the exception will not be visible");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Return from the function body");
gf = function* () { try { throw 1; } catch (e) { yield e; } finally { yield 2; } return 100; }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false }, g.return(3), "Return causes the finally block to execute");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: true },, "Second next call should return 3 from the function body");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Method execution has finished");
gf = function* () { var x = yield 1; if (x) { yield x; return "Control should never reach here"; } else { yield x; return 4; }}
var g1 = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call returns 1");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call returns e");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: true }, g1.return(3), "Return call returns from the if block");
var g2 = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call returns 1");
assert.areEqual({ value: 0, done: false },, "Second next call returns e");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: true }, g2.return(2), "Return call returns from the if block");
name: "Return api scenarios where thrown exceptions are ignored",
body: function () {
var gf = function* () { try { try { yield 1; throw 100; } finally { yield 2; } } finally { yield 3; } }
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from the inner try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return 2 from the inner finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false }, g.return(4), "Return api causes the execution of second finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 4, done: true },, "Second next call should return 2 from the inner finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Method execution has finished");
gf = function* () { try { yield 1; throw 100; } finally { yield 2; }}
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from try block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call should return 2 from finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: true }, g.return(3), "Return causes the exception to be ignored and return normally from the generator");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Forth next call should have done as true");
gf = function* () { try { throw ""; } catch (ex) { yield 1; }}
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1 from catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: true }, g.return(2), "Return statement completes the function from catch block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Generator is already in completed state");
name: "Working of next, return and throw apis together",
body: function () {
var gf = function* () { try { yield 1; } finally { yield 2;"Control should not reach here"); } }
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false }, g.throw(100), "Throw call causes the second yield to be executed");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: true }, g.return(3), "Return call overrides the throw work flow");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Method execution has finished");
gf = function* () { var x = yield 1; var y = yield x; yield y; }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "Second next call assigns a value to x");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: true }, g.return(3), "Return call overrides the throw work flow");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Method execution has finished");
gf = function* () { try { try { } finally { yield 1; } } finally { yield 2; } }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "First next call should return 1");
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false }, g.throw(100), "Throw call causes the second yield to be executed");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: true }, g.return(3), "Return call overrides the throw work flow");
name: "Return and throw apis arguments are propagated on yield*",
body: function () {
x = 0;
var simpleIterator = CreateIterable(simpleNextFunc, simpleReturnFunc, null);
var gf = function* () { yield* simpleIterator; }
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Get the first yield value from the inner iterator");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true}, g.return(3), "Returns the value from inner iterator");
assert.areEqual(1, x, "Make sure that iterator's return is executed");
x = 0;
var simpleIterator = CreateIterable(simpleNextFunc, undefined, simpleReturnFunc);
var gf = function* () { yield* simpleIterator; }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Get the first yield value from the inner iterator");
assert.areEqual({value:undefined, done: true}, g.throw(new ExpectedException()), "Returns the value from inner iterator");
assert.areEqual(1, x, "Make sure that iterator's throw is executed");
name: "Return api with generators on yield*",
body: function () {
var gf1 = function* () { yield 1; yield 2; }
var g1 = gf1();
var gf2 = function* () { yield* g1; }
var g2 = gf2();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Get the first yield value from the inner generator");
assert.areEqual({value: 3, done: true}, g2.return(3), "Returns the passed in value");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Inner generator is in complete state");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Outer generator is in complete state");
g1 = gf1();
g2 = gf2();
function* gf3() { yield* g2; }
var g3 = gf3();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Get the first yield value from the inner generator");
assert.areEqual({value: 3, done: true}, g3.return(3), "Returns the passed in value");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Return gets propagated to the lowest level");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Return gets propagated to the second level also");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Return completes the first level of generator also");
name: "Throw api with generators on yield*",
body: function () {
function* gf1() { yield 1; yield 2; }
var g1 = gf1();
function* gf2() { yield* g1; }
var g2 = gf2();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Get the first yield value from the inner generator");
assert.throws(function () { g2.throw(new ExpectedException()); }, ExpectedException, "Throw comes out of the generator loop as nobody handles it");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Throw gets propagated to the lowest level");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Throw gets propagated to the top level also");
g1 = gf1();
g2 = gf2();
function* gf3() { yield* g2; }
var g3 = gf3();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Get the first yield value from the inner generator");
assert.throws(function () { g3.throw(new ExpectedException()); }, ExpectedException, "Throw comes out of the generator loop as nobody handles it");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Throw gets propagated to the lowest level");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Throw gets propagated to the second level also");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Throw completes the first level of generator also");
name: "Exceptions from outer yield* can be caught in the inner generators",
body: function () {
var gf1 = function* () {
try {
yield 1;"Control should never reach here");
} catch (e) {
assert.areEqual(2, e, "Catch the exception from the outer yield");
yield 100;
yield 3;
var g1 = gf1();
var gf2 = function* () { yield* g1; }
var g2 = gf2();
var gf3 = function* () { yield* g2; }
var g3 = gf3();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Yield 1 from the inner generator");
assert.areEqual({value: 100, done: false}, g3.throw(2), "The exception is caught by the inner generator");
assert.areEqual({value: 3, done: false},, "The generator is not in complete state yet");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "First generator is in complete state");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Second generator is in complete state");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Third generator is in complete state");
gf1 = function* () { yield 1;"Control should never reach here"); }
g1 = gf1();
gf2 = function* () {
try {
yield *g1;
} catch (e) {
assert.areEqual(2, e, "Catch the exception here");
yield 100;
yield 3;
g2 = gf2();
g3 = gf3();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Yield 1 from the inner generator");
assert.areEqual({value: 100, done: false}, g3.throw(2), "The exception is caught by the second generator");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "First generator does not handle the exception so it is in complete state");
assert.areEqual({value: 3, done: false},, "Third generator is not in complete state yet");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Second generator is in complete state");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Third generator is in complete state");
name: "Throw and return invokes all the finally blocks in the yield* stack",
body: function () {
x = 0;
var gf1 = function* () {
try {
yield 1;"Control should never reach here");
} finally {
x += 1;
var g1 = gf1();
var gf2 = function* () {
try {
yield* g1;"Control should never reach here");
} finally {
x += 3;
var g2 = gf2();
var gf3 = function* () {
try {
yield* g2;"Control should never reach here");
} finally {
x += 5;
var g3 = gf3();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Yield 1 from the first generator");
assert.throws(function () { g3.throw(new ExpectedException()); }, ExpectedException, "The exception thrown comes out as the outer generator does not handle it");
assert.areEqual(9, x, "All finally blocks must be executed");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "First generator should be in complete state");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Second generator should be in complete state");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Third generator should be in complete state");
x = 0;
g1 = gf1();
g2 = gf2();
g3 = gf3();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Yield 1 from the first generator");
assert.areEqual({value: 2, done: true}, g3.return(2), "Gets the return value as it is passed in");
assert.areEqual(9, x, "All finally blocks must be executed");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "First generator should be in complete state");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Second generator should be in complete state");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Third generator should be in complete state");
gf1 = function* () {
try {
yield 1;"Control should never reach here");
} finally {
x += 1;
return 100;
x = 0;
g1 = gf1();
gf2 = function* () {
try {
yield* g1;
} finally {
x += 3;
g2 = gf2();
gf3 = function* () {
try {
yield* g2;
} finally {
x += 5;
g3 = gf3();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Yield 1 from the first generator");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true}, g3.throw(new ExpectedException()), "The exception thrown is replaced with a return completion in the finally block, but it isn't propagated to the outer generator");
assert.areEqual(9, x, "All finally blocks must be executed");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "First generator should be in complete state");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Second generator should be in complete state");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Third generator should be in complete state");
gf1 = function* () {
try {
try {
yield 1;"Control should never reach here");
} finally {
x += 1;
} finally {
x += 2;
g1= gf1();
gf2 = function* () {
try {
try {
try {
yield* g1;"Control should never reach here");
} finally {
x += 4;
} finally {
x += 8;
} finally {
x += 16;
g2 = gf2();
gf3 = function* () {
try {
yield* g2;"Control should never reach here");
} finally {
x += 32;
g3 = gf3();
x = 0;
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Yield 1 from the first generator");
assert.throws(function () { g3.throw(new ExpectedException()); }, ExpectedException, "The exception thrown comes out as the outer generator does not handle it");
assert.areEqual(63, x, "All finally blocks must be executed");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "First generator should be in complete state");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Second generator should be in complete state");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Third generator should be in complete state");
x = 0;
g1 = gf1();
g2 = gf2();
g3 = gf3();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Yield 1 from the first generator");
assert.areEqual({value: 2, done: true}, g3.return(2), "Gets the return value as it is passed in");
assert.areEqual(63, x, "All finally blocks must be executed");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "First generator should be in complete state");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Second generator should be in complete state");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Third generator should be in complete state");
name: "Exceptions from inner iterator are propagated",
body: function () {
var gf1 = function* () {
try {
yield 1;"Control should never reach here");
} catch (e) {
assert.areEqual(2, e, "Catch the outer exception here");
throw new ExpectedException();
var g1 = gf1();
var gf2 = function* () { yield* g1; }
var g2 = gf2();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Yield 1 from the inner generator");
assert.throws(function () { g2.throw(2); }, ExpectedException, "Exception from the inner generator overrides the outer exception");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "First generator should be in complete state");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Second generator should be in complete state");
gf1 = function* () {
try {
yield 1;
} finally {
throw new ExpectedException();
g1 = gf1();
g2 = gf2();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Yield 1 from the inner generator");
assert.throws(function () { g2.return(100); }, ExpectedException, "Exception from the inner generator overrides the return");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "First generator should be in complete state");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Second generator should be in complete state");
g1 = gf1();
g2 = gf2();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Yield 1 from the inner generator");
assert.throws(function () { g2.throw(2); }, ExpectedException, "Exception from the inner generator overrides the outer exception");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "First generator should be in complete state");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Second generator should be in complete state");
name: "Returning from the inner iterator will override the return call",
body: function () {
var gf1 = function* () {
try {
yield 1;"Control should never reach here");
} finally {
return 2;
var g1 = gf1();
var gf2 = function* () { yield* g1; }
g1 = gf1();
g2 = gf2();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Yield 1 from the inner generator");
assert.areEqual({value: 2, done: true}, g2.return(100), "Return 2 from the inner generator overriding the value passed in");
gf1 = function* () {
try {
return 100;
} finally {
yield 1;
g1 = gf1();
g2 = gf2();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Yield 1 from the inner generator's finally");
assert.areEqual({value: 2, done: true}, g2.return(2), "Return 2 overriding the return value from the inner generator's try body");
name: "yield* when used with an iterator that has incorrect return, and throw properties",
body: function () {
var iteratorWithNoReturnOrThrow = CreateIterable(simpleNextFunc);
var gf = function* () { yield* iteratorWithNoReturnOrThrow; }
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Get the first yield value from the inner iterator");
assert.areEqual({value: 2, done: true}, g.return(2), "As the return property is missing the yield* just returns as is");
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Get the first yield value from the inner iterator");
assert.throws(function () { g.throw(new ExpectedException()); }, TypeError, "As the throw property is missing a TypeError is thrown", "The value of the property 'throw' is not a Function object");
var iteratorWithNullAsReturn = CreateIterable(simpleNextFunc, null);
gf = function* () { yield* iteratorWithNullAsReturn; };
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Get the first yield value from the inner iterator");
assert.areEqual({value: 2, done: true}, g.return(2), "As the return property is null the yield* just returns as is");
var returnCalled = false;
var iteratorWithNullAsThrow = CreateIterable(simpleNextFunc, () => { returnCalled = true; return { done: true }; }, null);
gf = function* () { yield* iteratorWithNullAsThrow; };
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Get the first yield value from the inner iterator");
assert.throws(() => g.throw(), TypeError, "As the throw property is null a TypeError is thrown", "The value of the property 'throw' is not a Function object");
assert.isTrue(returnCalled, "As the throw property is null, .return() is called");
var iteratorWithBadReturnAndThrow = CreateIterable(simpleNextFunc, {}, {});
gf = function* () { yield* iteratorWithBadReturnAndThrow; }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Get the first yield value from the inner iterator");
assert.throws(function () { g.return(100); }, TypeError, "Trying to invoke the return method which is an object not method causes a TypeError", "The value of the property 'return' is not a Function object");
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Get the first yield value from the inner iterator");
assert.throws(function () { g.throw(100); }, TypeError, "Trying to invoke the throw method which is an object not method causes a TypeError", "The value of the property 'throw' is not a Function object");
var iteratorReturningNonObj = CreateIterable(simpleNextFunc, () => { return this.i; }, () => { return this.i; });
gf = function* () { yield* iteratorReturningNonObj; }
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Yield 1 from the iterator");
assert.throws(function () { g.return(100); }, TypeError, "Result of the return method from iterator should be an object", "Object expected");
g = gf();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Yield 1 from the iterator");
assert.throws(function () { g.throw(new ExpectedException()); }, TypeError, "Result of the throw method from iterator should be an object", "Object expected");
var iteratorReturningWithoutValue = CreateIterable(() => { return {done: false}; }, () => { return {done: true}; }, () => { return {done: true}; });
gf = function* () { yield* iteratorReturningWithoutValue; }
g = gf();;
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true}, g.return(100), "As the value property is missing undefined is returned");
name: "Yield* with iterator",
body: function () {
var simpleIterator = CreateIterable(simpleNextFunc);
function* gf () { yield* simpleIterator; return 4; }
var g = gf();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Yield 1 from the iterator");
assert.areEqual({value: 2, done: false},, "Yield 2 from the iterator");
assert.areEqual({value: 4, done: true},, "Returned 4 from the generator");
name: "yield* doesn't unwrap and rewrap iterator result if the done property is falsy",
body: function () {
var obj = { prop: 7 };
var gf = function* () {
yield* CreateIterable(() => obj);
var g = gf();
assert.isTrue( === obj, "yield* doesn't unwrap and rewrap iterator results if the 'done' property is falsy");
assert.areEqual({ prop: 7 },, "yield* doesn't modify the iterator result");
name: "Yield* with multiple levels of generators",
body: function () {
function* gf1 () { yield 1; return 100; }
function* gf2 () { yield* gf1(); yield* gf1(); }
var g = gf2();
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Yield 1 from the first inner generator");
assert.areEqual({value: 1, done: false},, "Yield 1 from the second inner generator");
assert.areEqual({value: undefined, done: true},, "Generator is in complete state");
name: "yield* when used with iterators that have incorrect next methods",
body: function () {
function dummy() {}
var gf = function* () { yield* dummy; };
assert.throws(function () { gf().next(); }, TypeError, "yield* throws TypeError if its operand does not have the [Symbol.iterator] method", "Object doesn't support property or method 'Symbol.iterator'");
var iteratorWithNoNextMethod = CreateIterable();
gf = function* () { yield* iteratorWithNoNextMethod; };
assert.throws(function () { gf().next(); }, TypeError, "yield* throws TypeError if its operand does not have the next method", "Object doesn't support property or method 'next'");
var iteratorWithBadNextMethod = CreateIterable({});
gf = function* () { yield* iteratorWithBadNextMethod; };
assert.throws(function () { gf().next(); }, TypeError, "yield* throws TypeError if the next property is not a function", "Function expected");
var iteratorWithBadNextMethod = CreateIterable(function () { return 100; });
gf = function* () { yield* iteratorWithBadNextMethod; };
assert.throws(function () { gf().next(); }, TypeError, "yield* throws TypeError if the value returned by next method is not an object", "Object expected");
name: "yield* forwards .next() parameter to iterable's .next() call",
body: function () {
function* inner() {
assert.areEqual(yield, "a");
function* outer() {
yield* inner();
var it = outer();;"a");
name: ".throw() forwarded by yield* is intercepted by the catch and finally blocks",
body: function () {
const error = new ExpectedException();
let yieldStarResult;
let innerGeneratorThrew = false;
function* gen() {
try {
yield 1;"Control should never reach here");
} finally {
innerGeneratorThrew = true;
function* genWhichYieldsInsideCatch() {
try {
yield 2;"Control should never reach here");
} catch (e) {
assert.areEqual(e, error);
yield 3;
function* genWhichYieldsInsideFinally() {
try {
yield 4;"Control should never reach here");
} finally {
yield 5;
function* genWhichReturnsInsideCatch() {
try {
yield 6;"Control should never reach here");
} catch (e) {
return 101;
function* genWhichReturnsInsideFinally() {
try {
yield 7;"Control should never reach here");
} finally {
return 102;
function* wrap(gen) {
yieldStarResult = yield* gen();
yield 10;
let it = wrap(gen);
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "yield 1 from gen");
assert.throws(() => it.throw(error), ExpectedException, ".throw() isn't caught");
assert.isTrue(innerGeneratorThrew, ".throw() is forwarded to gen");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Generator is in complete state");
it = wrap(genWhichYieldsInsideCatch);
assert.areEqual({ value: 2, done: false },, "yield 2 from genWhichYieldsInsideCatch");
assert.areEqual({ value: 3, done: false }, it.throw(error), "yield 3 from genWhichYieldsInsideCatch (.throw() is caught)");
assert.areEqual({ value: 10, done: false },, "yield 10 from wrap");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Generator is in complete state");
it = wrap(genWhichYieldsInsideFinally);
assert.areEqual({ value: 4, done: false },, "yield 4 from genWhichYieldsInsideFinally");
assert.areEqual({ value: 5, done: false }, it.throw(error), "yield 5 from genWhichYieldsInsideFinally (.throw() is 'paused' by the finally block)");
assert.throws(() =>, ExpectedException, "The exception is thrown after the resumption of the finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Generator is in complete state");
it = wrap(genWhichReturnsInsideCatch);
assert.areEqual({ value: 6, done: false },, "yield 6 from genWhichReturnsInsideCatch");
assert.areEqual({ value: 10, done: false }, it.throw(new ExpectedException()), "The exception is overwritten inside the catch block");
assert.areEqual(yieldStarResult, 101, "The value returned from the catch block is used as the yield*'s value");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Generator is in complete state");
it = wrap(genWhichReturnsInsideFinally);
assert.areEqual({ value: 7, done: false },, "yield 7 from genWhichReturnsInsideFinally");
assert.areEqual({ value: 10, done: false }, it.throw(new ExpectedException()), "The exception is overwritten inside the finally block");
assert.areEqual(yieldStarResult, 102, "The value returned from the catch block is used as the yield*'s value");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Generator is in complete state");
name: ".return() forwarded by yield* is intercepted by the finally block",
body: function () {
let yieldStarResult;
let innerGeneratorReturned = false;
function* gen() {
try {
yield 1;"Control should never reach here");
} finally {
innerGeneratorReturned = true;
function* genWhichYieldsInsideFinally() {
try {
yield 4;"Control should never reach here");
} finally {
yield 5;
function* genWhichReturnsInsideFinally() {
try {
yield 6;"Control should never reach here");
} finally {
return 101;
function* wrap(gen) {
yieldStartResult = yield* gen();
yield 10;
let it = wrap(gen);
assert.areEqual({ value: 1, done: false },, "yield 1 from gen");
assert.areEqual({ value: 100, done: true }, it.return(100), ".return() sets the generator's state to completed")
assert.isTrue(innerGeneratorReturned, ".return() is forwarded to gen");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "The generator is in complete state");
it = wrap(genWhichYieldsInsideFinally);
assert.areEqual({ value: 4, done: false },, "yield 4 from genWhichYieldsInsideFinally");
assert.areEqual({ value: 5, done: false }, it.return(100), "yield 5 from genWhichYieldsInsideFinally (.return() is overwritten by the yield inside the finally block)");
assert.areEqual({ value: 10, done: false },, "yield 10 from wrap");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Generator is in complete state");
it = wrap(genWhichReturnsInsideFinally);
assert.areEqual({ value: 6, done: false },, "yield 6 from genWhichReturnsInsideFinally");
assert.areEqual({ value: 101, done: true }, it.return(100), "The returned value is overwritten inside the finally block");
assert.areEqual({ value: undefined, done: true },, "Generator is in complete state");
name: "Testing 'super' reference inside a generator function",
body: function () {
class BASE {
base0 () { return 0; }
base1 () { return "BASE"; }
class A extends BASE {
*gf () {
yield super.base0();
return super.base1();
var o = new A();
var g =;
assert.areEqual(0,, "Generator function should be able to yield with 'super' reference");
assert.areEqual("BASE",, "Generator function should be able to return with 'super' reference");
name: "Cross-site scenarios for generators",
body: function () {
if (WScript && WScript.LoadScript) {
var global = WScript.LoadScript("var obj = { *gf() { yield this.x; return this.y; }, x : 10, y: 11 }; var g =;", "samethread");
var result =;
assert.areEqual(10, result.value, "Next call on the generator object created on a different context should yield fine on this thread");
assert.areEqual(false, result.done, "The generator object is not closed yet");
result =;
assert.areEqual(11, result.value, "Next call on the generator object created on a different context should return fine on this thread");
assert.areEqual(true, result.done, "Generator object is in closed state");
global = WScript.LoadScript("var obj = { *gf() { yield this.x; return this.y; }, x : 10, y: 11 }; var g =;", "samethread");;
result = global.g.return(100);
assert.areEqual(100, result.value, "Return call on the generator object created on a different context should return fine on this thread");
assert.areEqual(true, result.done, "Generator object is closed by the return call");
global = WScript.LoadScript("var obj = { *gf() { try { yield this.x; } catch (e) { throw { value : this.x } } }, x : 200 }; var g =;", "samethread");;
try {
} catch (e) {
assert.areEqual(200, e.value, "Throw call on the generator object created on a different context should should propagate the inner throw result");
name: "This object validation for strict and non-strict generator functions",
body: function () {
var thisValue = null;
function* method1() { thisValue = this; };
assert.areEqual(global, thisValue, "In non-strict mode generators should use the global this");
thisValue = null;
function* method2() { 'use strict'; thisValue = this; };
assert.areEqual(undefined, thisValue, "In strict mode generators should follow the strict mode semantics and use undefined");
name: "Iterator protocol violation scenarios",
body: function () {
var closed = false;
var g1, g2;
function* gf1() { yield 1; }
function* gf2() { yield *g1; };
g1 = gf1();
g1.throw = undefined,
g1.return = function() { closed = true; return {done: true}; }
g2 = gf2();;
assert.throws(function() { g2['throw'](new ExpectedException()) }, TypeError, "As the throw property is missing a TypeError is thrown", "The value of the property 'throw' is not a Function object");
assert.isTrue(closed, "When throw method is not defined on the iterator IteratorClose is called");
g1 = gf1();
g1.throw = undefined,
g1.return = function() { throw new ExpectedException(); }
g2 = gf2();;
assert.throws(function () { g2['throw']({value : 1}); }, ExpectedException, "Inner exceptions from IteratorClose are propagated");
g1 = gf1();
g1.throw = undefined,
g1.return = function() { return 10; }
g2 = gf2();;
assert.throws(function () { g2['throw']({value : 1}); }, TypeError, "A TypeError is thrown if the inner result of iterator close is not an object", "Object expected");
name: "Generator method body using super property",
body: function () {
var obj = {
*foo() { return super.toString; }
obj.toString = null;
name: "Generator method body using super property as default argument",
body: function () {
var obj = {
*foo(a = super.toString) { return a; }
obj.toString = null;
name: "super method calls in object literal concise generator",
body: function () {
var proto = {
method() { return 42; }
var object = {
*g() { yield super.method(); }
Object.setPrototypeOf(object, proto);
assert.areEqual(42, object.g().next().value,
"The value of `object.g().next().value` is `42`, after executing `Object.setPrototypeOf(object, proto);`"
// TODO: Test yield in expression positions of control flow constructs, e.g. initializer, condition, and increment of a for loop
testRunner.runTests(tests, { verbose: WScript.Arguments[0] != "summary" });