blob: c2eead5a8bb59ce29d949cff8cd922cb07b9d5ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Dumps the accessibility tree hierarchy for the given accessibilityObject into
// an element with id="tree", e.g., <pre id="tree"></pre>. In addition, it
// returns a two element array with the first element [0] being false if the
// traversal of the tree was stopped at the stopElement, and second element [1],
// the string representing the accessibility tree.
function dumpAccessibilityTree(accessibilityObject, stopElement, indent, allAttributesIfNeeded, getValueFromTitle, includeSubrole) {
var str = "";
var i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < indent; i++)
str += " ";
str += accessibilityObject.role;
if (includeSubrole === true && accessibilityObject.subrole)
str += " " + accessibilityObject.subrole;
str += " " + (getValueFromTitle === true ? accessibilityObject.title : accessibilityObject.stringValue);
str += allAttributesIfNeeded && accessibilityObject.role == '' ? accessibilityObject.allAttributes() : '';
str += "\n";
var outputTree = document.getElementById("tree");
if (outputTree)
outputTree.innerText += str;
if (stopElement && stopElement.isEqual(accessibilityObject))
return [false, str];
var count = accessibilityObject.childrenCount;
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
childRet = dumpAccessibilityTree(accessibilityObject.childAtIndex(i), stopElement, indent + 1, allAttributesIfNeeded, getValueFromTitle, includeSubrole);
if (!childRet[0])
return [false, str];
str += childRet[1];
return [true, str];
function touchAccessibilityTree(accessibilityObject) {
var count = accessibilityObject.childrenCount;
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (!touchAccessibilityTree(accessibilityObject.childAtIndex(i)))
return false;
return true;
function platformValueForW3CName(accessibilityObject, includeSource=false) {
var result;
if (accessibilityController.platformName == "atk")
result = accessibilityObject.title
result = accessibilityObject.description
if (!includeSource) {
var splitResult = result.split(": ");
return splitResult[1];
return result;
function platformValueForW3CDescription(accessibilityObject, includeSource=false) {
var result;
if (accessibilityController.platformName == "atk")
result = accessibilityObject.description
result = accessibilityObject.helpText;
if (!includeSource) {
var splitResult = result.split(": ");
return splitResult[1];
return result;
function platformTextAlternatives(accessibilityObject, includeTitleUIElement=false) {
if (!accessibilityObject)
return "Element not exposed";
result = "\t" + accessibilityObject.title + "\n\t" + accessibilityObject.description;
if (accessibilityController.platformName == "mac")
result += "\n\t" + accessibilityObject.helpText;
if (includeTitleUIElement)
result += "\n\tAXTitleUIElement: " + (accessibilityObject.titleUIElement() ? "non-null" : "null");
return result;
function platformRoleForComboBox() {
return accessibilityController.platformName == "atk" ? "AXRole: AXComboBox" : "AXRole: AXPopUpButton";
function platformRoleForStaticText() {
return accessibilityController.platformName == "atk" ? "AXRole: AXStatic" : "AXRole: AXStaticText";
function spinnerForTextInput(accessibilityObject) {
var index = accessibilityController.platformName == "atk" ? 0 : 1;
return accessibilityObject.childAtIndex(index);
function waitFor(condition)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let interval = setInterval(() => {
if (condition()) {
}, 0);