blob: f5908ed8081638fc5d82255580e288d7cf1fc4dc [file] [log] [blame]
"Tests what happens when you use a function as a variable on one control flow path, and use it normally on another, and then do something that depends on its structure."
var myGlobalVar;
function run_tests(p, z) {
function x() {
return 3;
if (p) {
x = z;
myGlobalVar = x.f;
} else
myGlobalVar = x;
return x.f + x.f;
shouldBe("run_tests(false, {f:42})", "0/0");
for(var i=0; i<1000; ++i)
shouldBe("run_tests(true, {f:42})", "84");
shouldBe("run_tests(false, {f:42})", "0/0");