blob: 4d46a310eb51c1449824d5a2a10816fe95eabf73 [file] [log] [blame]
"Tests what happens when you do ToString twice, and it has a side effect that clobbers the toString method in between the two ToStrings."
function foo(s, sideEffect) {
var a = String(s);
var b = String(s);
return a + b;
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 200; ++i) {
var code = "(function(s) { " + (i < 150 ? "return " + i + ";" : "count++; debug(\"hi!\"); s.toString = function() { return " + i + "; };") + " })";
var sideEffect = eval(code);
shouldBe("foo(new String(\"hello\"), sideEffect)", i < 150 ? "\"hellohello\"" : "\"hello" + i + "\"");