blob: 2d0bdc638922bcc4480ed1d38d96aa32dfb9d762 [file] [log] [blame]
function makeArray(length) {
return Array(length).fill().map((item, i) => {
let code = (i % 2) ? ("Z".charCodeAt(0) - i) : ("A".charCodeAt(0) + i);
return String.fromCharCode(code);
function makeObject(length) {
// Intentionally unsorted to demonstrate how `getProperties` fetches properties in the order they were added.
return makeArray(length).reduce((accumulator, item, i) => {
accumulator[item] = i;
return accumulator;
}, {});
function makeMap(length) {
return new Map(makeArray(length).map((item, i) => [item, i]));
function makeSet(length) {
return new Set(makeArray(length));
function makeWeakMap(length) {
return new WeakMap(makeArray(length).map((item, i) => [new String(item), i]));
function makeWeakSet(length) {
return new WeakSet(makeArray(length).map((item) => new String(item)));
TestPage.registerInitializer(() => {
ProtocolTest.PropertyDescriptorUtilities = {};
ProtocolTest.PropertyDescriptorUtilities.logForEach = function({name, value, ...extra}, index, array) {
let maxPropertyNameLength = array.reduce((max, {name}) => name.length > max ? name.length : max, 0) + 2; // add 2 for the surrounding quotes
let paddedName = JSON.stringify(name).padEnd(maxPropertyNameLength, " ");
let descriptorKeys = [];
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(extra)) {
if (value) {
ProtocolTest.assert(typeof value === "boolean", `Property descriptor '${key}' has a non-boolean value '${value}'.`);
ProtocolTest.log(` ${paddedName} => ${ProtocolTest.PropertyDescriptorUtilities.stringifyRemoteObject(value)} [${descriptorKeys.join(" | ")}]`);
ProtocolTest.PropertyDescriptorUtilities.stringifyRemoteObject = function(remoteObject) {
let result = "";
if (remoteObject) {
result += ("value" in remoteObject) ? JSON.stringify(remoteObject.value) : JSON.stringify(remoteObject.description);
result += " (" + remoteObject.type;
if (remoteObject.subtype)
result += " " + remoteObject.subtype
result += ")";
return result;