blob: a8de49bbb4c0f50c39bcab3d98803057b9147a68 [file] [log] [blame]
//@ skip if $model == "Apple Watch Series 3" # added by
//@ requireOptions("--useDataIC=true", "--useDataICSharing=true")
// Copyright 2008 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 1996 John Maloney and Mario Wolczko.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// This implementation of the DeltaBlue benchmark is derived
// from the Smalltalk implementation by John Maloney and Mario
// Wolczko. Some parts have been translated directly, whereas
// others have been modified more aggresively to make it feel
// more like a JavaScript program.
* A JavaScript implementation of the DeltaBlue constraint-solving
* algorithm, as described in:
* "The DeltaBlue Algorithm: An Incremental Constraint Hierarchy Solver"
* Bjorn N. Freeman-Benson and John Maloney
* January 1990 Communications of the ACM,
* also available as University of Washington TR 89-08-06.
* Beware: this benchmark is written in a grotesque style where
* the constraint model is built by side-effects from constructors.
* I've kept it this way to avoid deviating too much from the original
* implementation.
// This thing is an evil hack that we use throughout this benchmark so that we can use this benchmark to
// stress our varargs implementation. We also have tests for specific features of the varargs code, but
// having a somewhat large-ish benchmark that uses varargs a lot (even if it's in a silly way) is great
// for shaking out bugs.
function args() {
var array = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i)
return array;
/* --- O b j e c t M o d e l --- */
Object.prototype.inheritsFrom = function (shuper) {
function Inheriter() { }
Inheriter.prototype = shuper.prototype;
this.prototype = new Inheriter(...args());
this.superConstructor = shuper;
function OrderedCollection() {
this.elms = new Array(...args());
OrderedCollection.prototype.add = function (elm) {
} = function (index) {
return this.elms[index];
OrderedCollection.prototype.size = function () {
return this.elms.length;
OrderedCollection.prototype.removeFirst = function () {
return this.elms.pop(...args());
OrderedCollection.prototype.remove = function (elm) {
var index = 0, skipped = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.elms.length; i++) {
var value = this.elms[i];
if (value != elm) {
this.elms[index] = value;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < skipped; i++)
/* --- *
* S t r e n g t h
* --- */
* Strengths are used to measure the relative importance of constraints.
* New strengths may be inserted in the strength hierarchy without
* disrupting current constraints. Strengths cannot be created outside
* this class, so pointer comparison can be used for value comparison.
function Strength(strengthValue, name) {
this.strengthValue = strengthValue; = name;
Strength.stronger = function (s1, s2) {
return s1.strengthValue < s2.strengthValue;
Strength.weaker = function (s1, s2) {
return s1.strengthValue > s2.strengthValue;
Strength.weakestOf = function (s1, s2) {
return this.weaker(...args(s1, s2)) ? s1 : s2;
Strength.strongest = function (s1, s2) {
return this.stronger(...args(s1, s2)) ? s1 : s2;
Strength.prototype.nextWeaker = function () {
switch (this.strengthValue) {
case 0: return Strength.WEAKEST;
case 1: return Strength.WEAK_DEFAULT;
case 2: return Strength.NORMAL;
case 3: return Strength.STRONG_DEFAULT;
case 4: return Strength.PREFERRED;
case 5: return Strength.REQUIRED;
// Strength constants.
Strength.REQUIRED = new Strength(...args(0, "required"));
Strength.STONG_PREFERRED = new Strength(...args(1, "strongPreferred"));
Strength.PREFERRED = new Strength(...args(2, "preferred"));
Strength.STRONG_DEFAULT = new Strength(...args(3, "strongDefault"));
Strength.NORMAL = new Strength(...args(4, "normal"));
Strength.WEAK_DEFAULT = new Strength(...args(5, "weakDefault"));
Strength.WEAKEST = new Strength(...args(6, "weakest"));
/* --- *
* C o n s t r a i n t
* --- */
* An abstract class representing a system-maintainable relationship
* (or "constraint") between a set of variables. A constraint supplies
* a strength instance variable; concrete subclasses provide a means
* of storing the constrained variables and other information required
* to represent a constraint.
function Constraint(strength) {
this.strength = strength;
* Activate this constraint and attempt to satisfy it.
Constraint.prototype.addConstraint = function () {
* Attempt to find a way to enforce this constraint. If successful,
* record the solution, perhaps modifying the current dataflow
* graph. Answer the constraint that this constraint overrides, if
* there is one, or nil, if there isn't.
* Assume: I am not already satisfied.
Constraint.prototype.satisfy = function (mark) {
if (!this.isSatisfied(...args())) {
if (this.strength == Strength.REQUIRED)
alert(...args("Could not satisfy a required constraint!"));
return null;
var out = this.output(...args());
var overridden = out.determinedBy;
if (overridden != null) overridden.markUnsatisfied(...args());
out.determinedBy = this;
if (!planner.addPropagate(...args(this, mark)))
alert(...args("Cycle encountered"));
out.mark = mark;
return overridden;
Constraint.prototype.destroyConstraint = function () {
if (this.isSatisfied(...args())) planner.incrementalRemove(...args(this));
else this.removeFromGraph(...args());
* Normal constraints are not input constraints. An input constraint
* is one that depends on external state, such as the mouse, the
* keybord, a clock, or some arbitraty piece of imperative code.
Constraint.prototype.isInput = function () {
return false;
/* --- *
* U n a r y C o n s t r a i n t
* --- */
* Abstract superclass for constraints having a single possible output
* variable.
function UnaryConstraint(v, strength) {, strength);
this.myOutput = v;
this.satisfied = false;
* Adds this constraint to the constraint graph
UnaryConstraint.prototype.addToGraph = function () {
this.satisfied = false;
* Decides if this constraint can be satisfied and records that
* decision.
UnaryConstraint.prototype.chooseMethod = function (mark) {
this.satisfied = (this.myOutput.mark != mark)
&& Strength.stronger(...args(this.strength, this.myOutput.walkStrength));
* Returns true if this constraint is satisfied in the current solution.
UnaryConstraint.prototype.isSatisfied = function () {
return this.satisfied;
UnaryConstraint.prototype.markInputs = function (mark) {
// has no inputs
* Returns the current output variable.
UnaryConstraint.prototype.output = function () {
return this.myOutput;
* Calculate the walkabout strength, the stay flag, and, if it is
* 'stay', the value for the current output of this constraint. Assume
* this constraint is satisfied.
UnaryConstraint.prototype.recalculate = function () {
this.myOutput.walkStrength = this.strength;
this.myOutput.stay = !this.isInput(...args());
if (this.myOutput.stay) this.execute(...args()); // Stay optimization
* Records that this constraint is unsatisfied
UnaryConstraint.prototype.markUnsatisfied = function () {
this.satisfied = false;
UnaryConstraint.prototype.inputsKnown = function () {
return true;
UnaryConstraint.prototype.removeFromGraph = function () {
if (this.myOutput != null) this.myOutput.removeConstraint(...args(this));
this.satisfied = false;
/* --- *
* S t a y C o n s t r a i n t
* --- */
* Variables that should, with some level of preference, stay the same.
* Planners may exploit the fact that instances, if satisfied, will not
* change their output during plan execution. This is called "stay
* optimization".
function StayConstraint(v, str) {, v, str);
StayConstraint.prototype.execute = function () {
// Stay constraints do nothing
/* --- *
* E d i t C o n s t r a i n t
* --- */
* A unary input constraint used to mark a variable that the client
* wishes to change.
function EditConstraint(v, str) {, v, str);
* Edits indicate that a variable is to be changed by imperative code.
EditConstraint.prototype.isInput = function () {
return true;
EditConstraint.prototype.execute = function () {
// Edit constraints do nothing
/* --- *
* B i n a r y C o n s t r a i n t
* --- */
var Direction = new Object(...args());
Direction.NONE = 0;
Direction.FORWARD = 1;
Direction.BACKWARD = -1;
* Abstract superclass for constraints having two possible output
* variables.
function BinaryConstraint(var1, var2, strength) {, strength);
this.v1 = var1;
this.v2 = var2;
this.direction = Direction.NONE;
* Decides if this constraint can be satisfied and which way it
* should flow based on the relative strength of the variables related,
* and record that decision.
BinaryConstraint.prototype.chooseMethod = function (mark) {
if (this.v1.mark == mark) {
this.direction = (this.v2.mark != mark && Strength.stronger(...args(this.strength, this.v2.walkStrength)))
? Direction.FORWARD
: Direction.NONE;
if (this.v2.mark == mark) {
this.direction = (this.v1.mark != mark && Strength.stronger(...args(this.strength, this.v1.walkStrength)))
? Direction.BACKWARD
: Direction.NONE;
if (Strength.weaker(...args(this.v1.walkStrength, this.v2.walkStrength))) {
this.direction = Strength.stronger(...args(this.strength, this.v1.walkStrength))
? Direction.BACKWARD
: Direction.NONE;
} else {
this.direction = Strength.stronger(...args(this.strength, this.v2.walkStrength))
? Direction.FORWARD
: Direction.BACKWARD
* Add this constraint to the constraint graph
BinaryConstraint.prototype.addToGraph = function () {
this.direction = Direction.NONE;
* Answer true if this constraint is satisfied in the current solution.
BinaryConstraint.prototype.isSatisfied = function () {
return this.direction != Direction.NONE;
* Mark the input variable with the given mark.
BinaryConstraint.prototype.markInputs = function (mark) {
this.input(...args()).mark = mark;
* Returns the current input variable
BinaryConstraint.prototype.input = function () {
return (this.direction == Direction.FORWARD) ? this.v1 : this.v2;
* Returns the current output variable
BinaryConstraint.prototype.output = function () {
return (this.direction == Direction.FORWARD) ? this.v2 : this.v1;
* Calculate the walkabout strength, the stay flag, and, if it is
* 'stay', the value for the current output of this
* constraint. Assume this constraint is satisfied.
BinaryConstraint.prototype.recalculate = function () {
var ihn = this.input(...args()), out = this.output(...args());
out.walkStrength = Strength.weakestOf(...args(this.strength, ihn.walkStrength));
out.stay = ihn.stay;
if (out.stay) this.execute(...args());
* Record the fact that this constraint is unsatisfied.
BinaryConstraint.prototype.markUnsatisfied = function () {
this.direction = Direction.NONE;
BinaryConstraint.prototype.inputsKnown = function (mark) {
var i = this.input(...args());
return i.mark == mark || i.stay || i.determinedBy == null;
BinaryConstraint.prototype.removeFromGraph = function () {
if (this.v1 != null) this.v1.removeConstraint(...args(this));
if (this.v2 != null) this.v2.removeConstraint(...args(this));
this.direction = Direction.NONE;
/* --- *
* S c a l e C o n s t r a i n t
* --- */
* Relates two variables by the linear scaling relationship: "v2 =
* (v1 * scale) + offset". Either v1 or v2 may be changed to maintain
* this relationship but the scale factor and offset are considered
* read-only.
function ScaleConstraint(src, scale, offset, dest, strength) {
this.direction = Direction.NONE;
this.scale = scale;
this.offset = offset;, src, dest, strength);
* Adds this constraint to the constraint graph.
ScaleConstraint.prototype.addToGraph = function () {;
ScaleConstraint.prototype.removeFromGraph = function () {;
if (this.scale != null) this.scale.removeConstraint(...args(this));
if (this.offset != null) this.offset.removeConstraint(...args(this));
ScaleConstraint.prototype.markInputs = function (mark) {, mark);
this.scale.mark = this.offset.mark = mark;
* Enforce this constraint. Assume that it is satisfied.
ScaleConstraint.prototype.execute = function () {
if (this.direction == Direction.FORWARD) {
this.v2.value = this.v1.value * this.scale.value + this.offset.value;
} else {
this.v1.value = (this.v2.value - this.offset.value) / this.scale.value;
* Calculate the walkabout strength, the stay flag, and, if it is
* 'stay', the value for the current output of this constraint. Assume
* this constraint is satisfied.
ScaleConstraint.prototype.recalculate = function () {
var ihn = this.input(...args()), out = this.output(...args());
out.walkStrength = Strength.weakestOf(...args(this.strength, ihn.walkStrength));
out.stay = ihn.stay && this.scale.stay && this.offset.stay;
if (out.stay) this.execute(...args());
/* --- *
* E q u a l i t y C o n s t r a i n t
* --- */
* Constrains two variables to have the same value.
function EqualityConstraint(var1, var2, strength) {, var1, var2, strength);
* Enforce this constraint. Assume that it is satisfied.
EqualityConstraint.prototype.execute = function () {
this.output(...args()).value = this.input(...args()).value;
/* --- *
* V a r i a b l e
* --- */
* A constrained variable. In addition to its value, it maintain the
* structure of the constraint graph, the current dataflow graph, and
* various parameters of interest to the DeltaBlue incremental
* constraint solver.
function Variable(name, initialValue) {
this.value = initialValue || 0;
this.constraints = new OrderedCollection(...args());
this.determinedBy = null;
this.mark = 0;
this.walkStrength = Strength.WEAKEST;
this.stay = true; = name;
* Add the given constraint to the set of all constraints that refer
* this variable.
Variable.prototype.addConstraint = function (c) {
* Removes all traces of c from this variable.
Variable.prototype.removeConstraint = function (c) {
if (this.determinedBy == c) this.determinedBy = null;
/* --- *
* P l a n n e r
* --- */
* The DeltaBlue planner
function Planner() {
this.currentMark = 0;
* Attempt to satisfy the given constraint and, if successful,
* incrementally update the dataflow graph. Details: If satifying
* the constraint is successful, it may override a weaker constraint
* on its output. The algorithm attempts to resatisfy that
* constraint using some other method. This process is repeated
* until either a) it reaches a variable that was not previously
* determined by any constraint or b) it reaches a constraint that
* is too weak to be satisfied using any of its methods. The
* variables of constraints that have been processed are marked with
* a unique mark value so that we know where we've been. This allows
* the algorithm to avoid getting into an infinite loop even if the
* constraint graph has an inadvertent cycle.
Planner.prototype.incrementalAdd = function (c) {
var mark = this.newMark(...args());
var overridden = c.satisfy(...args(mark));
while (overridden != null)
overridden = overridden.satisfy(...args(mark));
* Entry point for retracting a constraint. Remove the given
* constraint and incrementally update the dataflow graph.
* Details: Retracting the given constraint may allow some currently
* unsatisfiable downstream constraint to be satisfied. We therefore collect
* a list of unsatisfied downstream constraints and attempt to
* satisfy each one in turn. This list is traversed by constraint
* strength, strongest first, as a heuristic for avoiding
* unnecessarily adding and then overriding weak constraints.
* Assume: c is satisfied.
Planner.prototype.incrementalRemove = function (c) {
var out = c.output(...args());
var unsatisfied = this.removePropagateFrom(...args(out));
var strength = Strength.REQUIRED;
do {
for (var i = 0; i < unsatisfied.size(...args()); i++) {
var u =;
if (u.strength == strength)
strength = strength.nextWeaker(...args());
} while (strength != Strength.WEAKEST);
* Select a previously unused mark value.
Planner.prototype.newMark = function () {
return ++this.currentMark;
* Extract a plan for resatisfaction starting from the given source
* constraints, usually a set of input constraints. This method
* assumes that stay optimization is desired; the plan will contain
* only constraints whose output variables are not stay. Constraints
* that do no computation, such as stay and edit constraints, are
* not included in the plan.
* Details: The outputs of a constraint are marked when it is added
* to the plan under construction. A constraint may be appended to
* the plan when all its input variables are known. A variable is
* known if either a) the variable is marked (indicating that has
* been computed by a constraint appearing earlier in the plan), b)
* the variable is 'stay' (i.e. it is a constant at plan execution
* time), or c) the variable is not determined by any
* constraint. The last provision is for past states of history
* variables, which are not stay but which are also not computed by
* any constraint.
* Assume: sources are all satisfied.
Planner.prototype.makePlan = function (sources) {
var mark = this.newMark(...args());
var plan = new Plan(...args());
var todo = sources;
while (todo.size(...args()) > 0) {
var c = todo.removeFirst(...args());
if (c.output(...args()).mark != mark && c.inputsKnown(...args(mark))) {
c.output(...args()).mark = mark;
this.addConstraintsConsumingTo(...args(c.output(...args()), todo));
return plan;
* Extract a plan for resatisfying starting from the output of the
* given constraints, usually a set of input constraints.
Planner.prototype.extractPlanFromConstraints = function (constraints) {
var sources = new OrderedCollection(...args());
for (var i = 0; i < constraints.size(...args()); i++) {
var c =;
if (c.isInput(...args()) && c.isSatisfied(...args()))
// not in plan already and eligible for inclusion
return this.makePlan(...args(sources));
* Recompute the walkabout strengths and stay flags of all variables
* downstream of the given constraint and recompute the actual
* values of all variables whose stay flag is true. If a cycle is
* detected, remove the given constraint and answer
* false. Otherwise, answer true.
* Details: Cycles are detected when a marked variable is
* encountered downstream of the given constraint. The sender is
* assumed to have marked the inputs of the given constraint with
* the given mark. Thus, encountering a marked node downstream of
* the output constraint means that there is a path from the
* constraint's output to one of its inputs.
Planner.prototype.addPropagate = function (c, mark) {
var todo = new OrderedCollection(...args());
while (todo.size(...args()) > 0) {
var d = todo.removeFirst(...args());
if (d.output(...args()).mark == mark) {
return false;
this.addConstraintsConsumingTo(...args(d.output(...args()), todo));
return true;
* Update the walkabout strengths and stay flags of all variables
* downstream of the given constraint. Answer a collection of
* unsatisfied constraints sorted in order of decreasing strength.
Planner.prototype.removePropagateFrom = function (out) {
out.determinedBy = null;
out.walkStrength = Strength.WEAKEST;
out.stay = true;
var unsatisfied = new OrderedCollection(...args());
var todo = new OrderedCollection(...args());
while (todo.size(...args()) > 0) {
var v = todo.removeFirst(...args());
for (var i = 0; i < v.constraints.size(...args()); i++) {
var c =;
if (!c.isSatisfied(...args()))
var determining = v.determinedBy;
for (var i = 0; i < v.constraints.size(...args()); i++) {
var next =;
if (next != determining && next.isSatisfied(...args())) {
return unsatisfied;
Planner.prototype.addConstraintsConsumingTo = function (v, coll) {
var determining = v.determinedBy;
var cc = v.constraints;
for (var i = 0; i < cc.size(...args()); i++) {
var c =;
if (c != determining && c.isSatisfied(...args()))
/* --- *
* P l a n
* --- */
* A Plan is an ordered list of constraints to be executed in sequence
* to resatisfy all currently satisfiable constraints in the face of
* one or more changing inputs.
function Plan() {
this.v = new OrderedCollection(...args());
Plan.prototype.addConstraint = function (c) {
Plan.prototype.size = function () {
return this.v.size(...args());
Plan.prototype.constraintAt = function (index) {
Plan.prototype.execute = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < this.size(...args()); i++) {
var c = this.constraintAt(...args(i));
/* --- *
* M a i n
* --- */
* This is the standard DeltaBlue benchmark. A long chain of equality
* constraints is constructed with a stay constraint on one end. An
* edit constraint is then added to the opposite end and the time is
* measured for adding and removing this constraint, and extracting
* and executing a constraint satisfaction plan. There are two cases.
* In case 1, the added constraint is stronger than the stay
* constraint and values must propagate down the entire length of the
* chain. In case 2, the added constraint is weaker than the stay
* constraint so it cannot be accomodated. The cost in this case is,
* of course, very low. Typical situations lie somewhere between these
* two extremes.
function chainTest(n) {
planner = new Planner(...args());
var prev = null, first = null, last = null;
// Build chain of n equality constraints
for (var i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
var name = "v" + i;
var v = new Variable(...args(name));
if (prev != null)
new EqualityConstraint(...args(prev, v, Strength.REQUIRED));
if (i == 0) first = v;
if (i == n) last = v;
prev = v;
new StayConstraint(...args(last, Strength.STRONG_DEFAULT));
var edit = new EditConstraint(...args(first, Strength.PREFERRED));
var edits = new OrderedCollection(...args());
var plan = planner.extractPlanFromConstraints(...args(edits));
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
first.value = i;
if (last.value != i)
alert(...args("Chain test failed."));
* This test constructs a two sets of variables related to each
* other by a simple linear transformation (scale and offset). The
* time is measured to change a variable on either side of the
* mapping and to change the scale and offset factors.
function projectionTest(n) {
planner = new Planner(...args());
var scale = new Variable(...args("scale", 10));
var offset = new Variable(...args("offset", 1000));
var src = null, dst = null;
var dests = new OrderedCollection(...args());
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
src = new Variable(...args("src" + i, i));
dst = new Variable(...args("dst" + i, i));
new StayConstraint(...args(src, Strength.NORMAL));
new ScaleConstraint(...args(src, scale, offset, dst, Strength.REQUIRED));
change(...args(src, 17));
if (dst.value != 1170) alert(...args("Projection 1 failed"));
change(...args(dst, 1050));
if (src.value != 5) alert(...args("Projection 2 failed"));
change(...args(scale, 5));
for (var i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
if ( != i * 5 + 1000)
alert(...args("Projection 3 failed"));
change(...args(offset, 2000));
for (var i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
if ( != i * 5 + 2000)
alert(...args("Projection 4 failed"));
function change(v, newValue) {
var edit = new EditConstraint(...args(v, Strength.PREFERRED));
var edits = new OrderedCollection(...args());
var plan = planner.extractPlanFromConstraints(...args(edits));
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
v.value = newValue;
// Global variable holding the current planner.
var planner = null;
function deltaBlue() {
for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i)