blob: f464908fa513353917901d49af150d53cfd99945 [file] [log] [blame]
function verifyPreloadAndRTSupport()
var link = window.document.createElement("link");
assert_true(link.relList && link.relList.supports("preload"), "Preload not supported");
assert_true(!!window.PerformanceResourceTiming, "ResourceTiming not supported");
function getAbsoluteURL(url)
return new URL(url, location.href).href;
function verifyNumberOfResourceTimingEntries(url, number)
var numEntries = performance.getEntriesByName(getAbsoluteURL(url)).length;
assert_equals(numEntries, number, url);
// Verifies that the resource is loaded, but not downloaded from network
// more than once. This can be used to verify that a preloaded resource is
// not downloaded again when used.
function verifyLoadedAndNoDoubleDownload(url) {
var entries = performance.getEntriesByName(getAbsoluteURL(url));
// UA may create separate RT entries for preload and normal load,
// so we just check (entries.length > 0).
assert_greater_than(entries.length, 0, url + ' should be loaded');
var numDownloads = 0;
entries.forEach(entry => {
// transferSize is zero if the resource is loaded from cache.
if (entry.transferSize > 0) {
// numDownloads can be zero if the resource was already cached before running
// the test (for example, when the test is running repeatedly without
// clearing cache between runs).
numDownloads, 1,
url + ' should be downloaded from network at most once');