blob: c88e20c69e28a5828f67e2be8bdf154bd2ecafa0 [file] [log] [blame]
* There are three basic use cases of dumpAsMarkup
* 1. Dump the entire DOM when the page is loaded
* When this script is included but no method of Markup is called,
* it dumps the DOM of each frame loaded.
* 2. Dump the content of a specific element when the page is loaded
* When Markup.setNodeToDump is called with some element or the id of some element,
* it dumps the content of the specified element as supposed to the entire DOM tree.
* 3. Dump the content of a specific element multiple times while the page is loading
* Calling Markup.dump would dump the content of the element set by setNodeToDump or the entire DOM.
* Optionally specify the node to dump and the description for each call of dump.
if (window.layoutTestController)
// Namespace
// FIXME: Rename dump-as-markup.js to dump-dom.js and Markup to DOM.
var Markup = {};
// The description of what this test is testing. Gets prepended to the dumped markup.
Markup.description = function(description)
Markup._test_description = description;
// Dumps the markup for the given node (HTML element if no node is given).
// Over-writes the body's content with the markup in layout test mode. Appends
// a pre element when loaded manually, in order to aid debugging.
Markup.dump = function(opt_node, opt_description)
if (typeof opt_node == 'string')
opt_node = document.getElementById(opt_node);
var node = opt_node || document
var markup = "";
if (Markup._dumpCalls > 1 || opt_description) {
if (!opt_description)
opt_description = "Dump of markup " + Markup._dumpCalls
if (Markup._dumpCalls > 1)
markup += '\n';
markup += '\n' + opt_description + ':\n';
} else
Markup._firstCallDidNotHaveDescription = true;
markup += Markup.get(node);
if (!Markup._container) {
Markup._container = document.createElement('pre'); = '100%';
if (Markup._dumpCalls == 2 && Markup._firstCallDidNotHaveDescription) {
var wrapper = Markup._container.getElementsByClassName('dump-as-markup-span')[0];
wrapper.insertBefore(document.createTextNode('\nDump of markup 1:\n'), wrapper.firstChild);
// FIXME: Have this respect layoutTestController.dumpChildFramesAsText?
// FIXME: Should we care about framesets?
// DocumentFragment doesn't have a getElementsByTagName method.
if (node.getElementsByTagName) {
var iframes = node.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
for (var i = 0; i < iframes.length; i++) {
markup += '\n\nFRAME ' + i + ':\n'
try {
markup += Markup.get(iframes[i].contentDocument.body.parentElement);
} catch (e) {
markup += 'FIXME: Add method to layout test controller to get access to cross-origin frames.';
if (Markup._test_description && Markup._dumpCalls == 1)
Markup._container.appendChild(document.createTextNode(Markup._test_description + '\n'))
var wrapper = document.createElement('span');
wrapper.className = 'dump-as-markup-span';
Markup.noAutoDump = function()
window.removeEventListener('load', Markup.notifyDone, false);
Markup.waitUntilDone = function()
if (window.layoutTestController)
Markup.notifyDone = function()
// Need to waitUntilDone or some tests won't finish appending the markup before the text is dumped.
if (window.layoutTestController)
// If dump has already been called, don't bother to dump again
if (!Markup._dumpCalls)
// In non-layout test mode, append the results in a pre so that we don't
// clobber the test itself. But when in layout test mode, we don't want
// side effects from the test to be included in the results.
if (window.layoutTestController)
document.body.innerHTML = '';
if (window.layoutTestController)
Markup.useHTML5libOutputFormat = function()
Markup._useHTML5libOutputFormat = true;
Markup.get = function(node)
var markup = Markup._getShadowHostIfPossible(node, 0);
if (markup)
return markup.substring(1);
if (!node.firstChild)
return '| ';
// Don't print any markup for the root node.
for (var i = 0, len = node.childNodes.length; i < len; i++)
markup += Markup._get(node.childNodes[i], 0);
return markup.substring(1);
// Returns the markup for the given node. To be used for cases where a test needs
// to get the markup but not clobber the whole page.
Markup._get = function(node, depth)
var str = Markup._indent(depth);
switch (node.nodeType) {
str += '<!DOCTYPE ' + node.nodeName;
if (node.publicId || node.systemId) {
str += ' "' + node.publicId + '"';
str += ' "' + node.systemId + '"';
str += '>';
try {
str += '<!-- ' + node.nodeValue + ' -->';
} catch (e) {
str += '<!-- -->';
str += '<?' + node.nodeName + node.nodeValue + '>';
str += '<![CDATA[ ' + node.nodeValue + ' ]]>';
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
str += '"' + Markup._getMarkupForTextNode(node) + '"';
str += "<";
str += Markup._namespace(node)
if (node.localName && node.namespaceURI && node.namespaceURI != null)
str += node.localName;
str += Markup._toAsciiLowerCase(node.nodeName);
str += '>';
if (node.attributes) {
var attrNames = [];
var attrPos = {};
for (var j = 0; j < node.attributes.length; j += 1) {
if (node.attributes[j].specified) {
var name = Markup._namespace(node.attributes[j])
name += node.attributes[j].localName || node.attributes[j].nodeName;
attrPos[name] = j;
if (attrNames.length > 0) {
for (var j = 0; j < attrNames.length; j += 1) {
str += Markup._indent(depth + 1) + attrNames[j];
str += '="' + node.attributes[attrPos[attrNames[j]]].nodeValue + '"';
if (!Markup._useHTML5libOutputFormat && window.internals) {
var pseudoId = window.internals.shadowPseudoId(node);
if (pseudoId)
str += Markup._indent(depth + 1) + 'shadow:pseudoId="' + pseudoId + '"';
if (!Markup._useHTML5libOutputFormat)
if (node.nodeName == "INPUT" || node.nodeName == "TEXTAREA")
str += Markup._indent(depth + 1) + 'this.value="' + node.value + '"';
if (node.nodeName == "#shadow-root")
str += "<shadow:root>";
for (var i = 0, len = node.childNodes.length; i < len; i++) {
var selection = Markup._getSelectionMarker(node, i);
if (selection)
str += Markup._indent(depth + 1) + selection;
str += Markup._get(node.childNodes[i], depth + 1);
str += Markup._getShadowHostIfPossible(node, depth);
var selection = Markup._getSelectionMarker(node, i);
if (selection)
str += Markup._indent(depth + 1) + selection;
return str;
Markup._getShadowHostIfPossible = function (node, depth)
if (!Markup._useHTML5libOutputFormat && node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && window.internals) {
var root = window.internals.shadowRoot(node);
if (root)
return Markup._get(root, depth + 1);
return '';
Markup._namespace = function(node)
if (Markup._NAMESPACE_URI_MAP[node.namespaceURI])
return Markup._NAMESPACE_URI_MAP[node.namespaceURI] + ' ';
return '';
Markup._dumpCalls = 0
Markup._indent = function(depth)
return "\n| " + new Array(depth * 2 + 1).join(' ');
Markup._toAsciiLowerCase = function (str) {
var output = "";
for (var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (str.charCodeAt(i) >= 0x41 && str.charCodeAt(i) <= 0x5A)
output += String.fromCharCode(str.charCodeAt(i) + 0x20)
output += str.charAt(i);
return output;
"": "svg",
"": "math",
"": "xml",
"": "xmlns",
"": "xlink"
Markup._getSelectionFromNode = function(node)
return node.ownerDocument.defaultView.getSelection();
Markup._SELECTION_FOCUS = '<#selection-focus>';
Markup._SELECTION_ANCHOR = '<#selection-anchor>';
Markup._SELECTION_CARET = '<#selection-caret>';
Markup._getMarkupForTextNode = function(node)
innerMarkup = node.nodeValue;
var startOffset, endOffset, startText, endText;
var sel = Markup._getSelectionFromNode(node);
// Firefox doesn't have a sel in a display:none iframe.
if (sel) {
if (node == sel.anchorNode && node == sel.focusNode) {
if (sel.isCollapsed) {
startOffset = sel.anchorOffset;
startText = Markup._SELECTION_CARET;
} else {
if (sel.focusOffset > sel.anchorOffset) {
startOffset = sel.anchorOffset;
endOffset = sel.focusOffset;
startText = Markup._SELECTION_ANCHOR;
endText = Markup._SELECTION_FOCUS;
} else {
startOffset = sel.focusOffset;
endOffset = sel.anchorOffset;
startText = Markup._SELECTION_FOCUS;
endText = Markup._SELECTION_ANCHOR;
} else if (node == sel.focusNode) {
startOffset = sel.focusOffset;
startText = Markup._SELECTION_FOCUS;
} else if (node == sel.anchorNode) {
startOffset = sel.anchorOffset;
startText = Markup._SELECTION_ANCHOR;
if (startText && endText)
innerMarkup = innerMarkup.substring(0, startOffset) + startText + innerMarkup.substring(startOffset, endOffset) + endText + innerMarkup.substring(endOffset);
else if (startText)
innerMarkup = innerMarkup.substring(0, startOffset) + startText + innerMarkup.substring(startOffset);
return innerMarkup;
Markup._getSelectionMarker = function(node, index)
if (node.nodeType != 1)
return '';
var sel = Markup._getSelectionFromNode(node);;
// Firefox doesn't have a sel in a display:none iframe.
if (!sel)
return '';
if (index == sel.anchorOffset && node == sel.anchorNode) {
if (sel.isCollapsed)
return Markup._SELECTION_CARET;
return Markup._SELECTION_ANCHOR;
} else if (index == sel.focusOffset && node == sel.focusNode)
return Markup._SELECTION_FOCUS;
return '';
window.addEventListener('load', Markup.notifyDone, false);