| const lightGridColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)"; |
| const darkGridColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)"; |
| const transparentColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"; |
| const gridBackgroundColor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)"; |
| |
| // CSS Regions highlight colors. |
| const highlightedRegionBackgroundColor = "rgba(127, 211, 248, 0.1)"; |
| const regionBackgroundColor = "rgba(127, 211, 248, 0.45)"; |
| const regionStrokeColor = "rgba(98, 207, 255, 0.85)"; |
| |
| // CSS Regions chain highlight colors. |
| const regionLinkBoxBackgroundColor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.71)"; |
| const regionLinkBoxStrokeColor = "rgba(98, 207, 255, 0.85)"; |
| const regionChainStrokeColor = "rgba(98, 207, 255, 0.85)"; |
| |
| // CSS Region number style. |
| const regionNumberFont = "bold 40pt sans-serif"; |
| const regionNumberFillColor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)"; |
| const regionNumberStrokeColor = "rgb(61, 127, 204)"; |
| |
| // CSS Shapes highlight colors |
| const shapeHighlightColor = "rgba(96, 82, 127, 0.8)"; |
| const shapeMarginHighlightColor = "rgba(96, 82, 127, 0.6)"; |
| |
| const paintRectFillColor = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)"; |
| |
| function drawPausedInDebuggerMessage(message) |
| { |
| var pausedInDebugger = document.getElementById("paused-in-debugger"); |
| pausedInDebugger.textContent = message; |
| pausedInDebugger.style.visibility = "visible"; |
| document.body.classList.add("dimmed"); |
| } |
| |
| function _drawRegionNumber(quad, number) |
| { |
| context.save(); |
| var midPoint = _quadMidPoint(quad); |
| context.font = regionNumberFont; |
| context.textAlign = "center"; |
| context.textBaseline = "middle"; |
| context.fillStyle = regionNumberFillColor; |
| context.fillText(number, midPoint.x, midPoint.y); |
| context.strokeWidth = 4; |
| context.strokeStyle = regionNumberStrokeColor; |
| context.strokeText(number, midPoint.x, midPoint.y); |
| context.restore(); |
| } |
| |
| function quadToPath(quad) |
| { |
| context.beginPath(); |
| context.moveTo(quad[0].x, quad[0].y); |
| context.lineTo(quad[1].x, quad[1].y); |
| context.lineTo(quad[2].x, quad[2].y); |
| context.lineTo(quad[3].x, quad[3].y); |
| context.closePath(); |
| return context; |
| } |
| |
| function drawOutlinedQuad(quad, fillColor, outlineColor) |
| { |
| context.save(); |
| context.lineWidth = 2; |
| quadToPath(quad).clip(); |
| context.fillStyle = fillColor; |
| context.fill(); |
| if (outlineColor) { |
| context.strokeStyle = outlineColor; |
| context.stroke(); |
| } |
| context.restore(); |
| } |
| |
| function pathCommand(context, commands, name, index, length) { |
| context[name].apply(context, commands.slice(index + 1, index + length + 1)); |
| return index + length + 1; |
| } |
| |
| function drawPath(context, commands, fillColor, outlineColor) |
| { |
| context.save(); |
| context.beginPath(); |
| |
| var commandsIndex = 0; |
| var commandsLength = commands.length; |
| while(commandsIndex < commandsLength) { |
| switch(commands[commandsIndex]) { |
| // 1 point |
| case 'M': |
| commandsIndex = pathCommand(context, commands, "moveTo", commandsIndex, 2); |
| break; |
| // 1 point |
| case 'L': |
| commandsIndex = pathCommand(context, commands, "lineTo", commandsIndex, 2); |
| break; |
| // 3 points |
| case 'C': |
| commandsIndex = pathCommand(context, commands, "bezierCurveTo", commandsIndex, 6); |
| break; |
| // 2 points |
| case 'Q': |
| commandsIndex = pathCommand(context, commands, "quadraticCurveTo", commandsIndex, 2); |
| break; |
| // 0 points |
| case 'Z': |
| commandsIndex = pathCommand(context, commands, "closePath", commandsIndex, 0); |
| break; |
| default: |
| commandsIndex++; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| context.closePath(); |
| context.fillStyle = fillColor; |
| context.fill(); |
| |
| if (outlineColor) { |
| context.lineWidth = 2; |
| context.strokeStyle = outlineColor; |
| context.stroke(); |
| } |
| |
| context.restore(); |
| } |
| |
| function drawOutlinedQuadWithClip(quad, clipQuad, fillColor) |
| { |
| var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); |
| context.fillStyle = fillColor; |
| context.save(); |
| context.lineWidth = 0; |
| quadToPath(quad).fill(); |
| context.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out"; |
| context.fillStyle = "red"; |
| quadToPath(clipQuad).fill(); |
| context.restore(); |
| } |
| |
| function quadEquals(quad1, quad2) |
| { |
| return quad1[0].x === quad2[0].x && quad1[0].y === quad2[0].y && |
| quad1[1].x === quad2[1].x && quad1[1].y === quad2[1].y && |
| quad1[2].x === quad2[2].x && quad1[2].y === quad2[2].y && |
| quad1[3].x === quad2[3].x && quad1[3].y === quad2[3].y; |
| } |
| |
| function drawGutter() |
| { |
| var frameWidth = frameViewFullSize.width; |
| var frameHeight = frameViewFullSize.height; |
| |
| if (!frameWidth || document.body.offsetWidth <= frameWidth) |
| rightGutter.style.removeProperty("display"); |
| else { |
| rightGutter.style.display = "block"; |
| rightGutter.style.left = frameWidth + "px"; |
| } |
| |
| if (!frameHeight || document.body.offsetHeight <= frameHeight) |
| bottomGutter.style.removeProperty("display"); |
| else { |
| bottomGutter.style.display = "block"; |
| bottomGutter.style.top = frameHeight + "px"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| var updatePaintRectsIntervalID; |
| |
| function updatePaintRects(paintRectList) |
| { |
| var context = paintRectsCanvas.getContext("2d"); |
| context.save(); |
| context.scale(window.devicePixelRatio, window.devicePixelRatio); |
| |
| context.clearRect(0, 0, paintRectsCanvas.width, paintRectsCanvas.height); |
| |
| context.fillStyle = paintRectFillColor; |
| |
| for (var rectObject of paintRectList) |
| context.fillRect(rectObject.x, rectObject.y, rectObject.width, rectObject.height); |
| |
| context.restore(); |
| } |
| |
| function reset(resetData) |
| { |
| var deviceScaleFactor = resetData.deviceScaleFactor; |
| var viewportSize = resetData.viewportSize; |
| window.frameViewFullSize = resetData.frameViewFullSize; |
| |
| window.canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); |
| window.paintRectsCanvas = document.getElementById("paintrects-canvas"); |
| |
| window.context = canvas.getContext("2d"); |
| window.rightGutter = document.getElementById("right-gutter"); |
| window.bottomGutter = document.getElementById("bottom-gutter"); |
| |
| canvas.width = deviceScaleFactor * viewportSize.width; |
| canvas.height = deviceScaleFactor * viewportSize.height; |
| canvas.style.width = viewportSize.width + "px"; |
| canvas.style.height = viewportSize.height + "px"; |
| context.scale(deviceScaleFactor, deviceScaleFactor); |
| |
| // We avoid getting the the context for the paint rects canvas until we need to paint, to avoid backing store allocation. |
| paintRectsCanvas.width = deviceScaleFactor * viewportSize.width; |
| paintRectsCanvas.height = deviceScaleFactor * viewportSize.height; |
| paintRectsCanvas.style.width = viewportSize.width + "px"; |
| paintRectsCanvas.style.height = viewportSize.height + "px"; |
| |
| document.getElementById("paused-in-debugger").style.visibility = "hidden"; |
| document.getElementById("element-title-container").innerHTML = ""; |
| document.body.classList.remove("dimmed"); |
| } |
| |
| function DOMBuilder(tagName, className) |
| { |
| this.element = document.createElement(tagName); |
| this.element.className = className; |
| } |
| |
| DOMBuilder.prototype.appendTextNode = function(content) |
| { |
| let node = document.createTextNode(content); |
| this.element.appendChild(node); |
| return node; |
| } |
| |
| DOMBuilder.prototype.appendSpan = function(className, value) |
| { |
| var span = document.createElement("span"); |
| span.className = className; |
| span.textContent = value; |
| this.element.appendChild(span); |
| return span; |
| } |
| |
| DOMBuilder.prototype.appendSpanIfNotNull = function(className, value, prefix) |
| { |
| return value ? this.appendSpan(className, (prefix ? prefix : "") + value) : null; |
| } |
| |
| DOMBuilder.prototype.appendProperty = function(className, propertyName, value) |
| { |
| var builder = new DOMBuilder("div", className); |
| builder.appendSpan("css-property", propertyName); |
| builder.appendTextNode(" "); |
| builder.appendSpan("value", value); |
| this.element.appendChild(builder.element); |
| return builder.element; |
| } |
| |
| DOMBuilder.prototype.appendPropertyIfNotNull = function(className, propertyName, value) |
| { |
| return value ? this.appendProperty(className, propertyName, value) : null; |
| } |
| |
| function _truncateString(value, maxLength) |
| { |
| return value && value.length > maxLength ? value.substring(0, 50) + "\u2026" : value; |
| } |
| |
| function _createElementTitle(elementData) |
| { |
| let builder = new DOMBuilder("div", "element-title"); |
| |
| builder.appendSpanIfNotNull("tag-name", elementData.tagName); |
| builder.appendSpanIfNotNull("node-id", CSS.escape(elementData.idValue), "#"); |
| |
| let classes = elementData.classes; |
| if (classes && classes.length) |
| builder.appendSpan("class-name", _truncateString(classes.map((className) => "." + CSS.escape(className)).join(""), 50)); |
| |
| builder.appendSpanIfNotNull("pseudo-type", elementData.pseudoElement, "::"); |
| |
| builder.appendTextNode(" "); |
| builder.appendSpan("node-width", elementData.size.width); |
| // \xd7 is the code for the × HTML entity. |
| builder.appendSpan("px", "px \xd7 "); |
| builder.appendSpan("node-height", elementData.size.height); |
| builder.appendSpan("px", "px"); |
| |
| builder.appendPropertyIfNotNull("role-name", "Role", elementData.role); |
| builder.appendPropertyIfNotNull("region-flow-name", "Region Flow", elementData.regionFlowData ? elementData.regionFlowData.name : null); |
| builder.appendPropertyIfNotNull("content-flow-name", "Content Flow", elementData.contentFlowData ? elementData.contentFlowData.name : null); |
| |
| document.getElementById("element-title-container").appendChild(builder.element); |
| |
| return builder.element; |
| } |
| |
| function _drawElementTitle(elementData, fragmentHighlight, scroll) |
| { |
| if (!elementData || !fragmentHighlight.quads.length) |
| return; |
| |
| var elementTitle = _createElementTitle(elementData); |
| |
| var marginQuad = fragmentHighlight.quads[0]; |
| |
| var titleWidth = elementTitle.offsetWidth + 6; |
| var titleHeight = elementTitle.offsetHeight + 4; |
| |
| var anchorTop = marginQuad[0].y; |
| var anchorBottom = marginQuad[3].y; |
| |
| const arrowHeight = 7; |
| var renderArrowUp = false; |
| var renderArrowDown = false; |
| |
| var boxX = marginQuad[0].x; |
| |
| var clipQuad = fragmentHighlight.regionClippingArea; |
| if (clipQuad) { |
| // Restrict the position of the title box to the area of the containing region. |
| anchorTop = Math.max(anchorTop, Math.min(clipQuad[0].y, clipQuad[1].y, clipQuad[2].y, clipQuad[3].y)); |
| anchorBottom = Math.min(anchorBottom, Math.max(clipQuad[0].y, clipQuad[1].y, clipQuad[2].y, clipQuad[3].y)); |
| boxX = Math.max(boxX, Math.min(clipQuad[0].x, clipQuad[1].x, clipQuad[2].x, clipQuad[3].x)); |
| boxX = Math.min(boxX, Math.max(clipQuad[0].x, clipQuad[1].x, clipQuad[2].x, clipQuad[3].x)); |
| } |
| |
| boxX = Math.max(2, boxX - scroll.x); |
| anchorTop -= scroll.y; |
| anchorBottom -= scroll.y; |
| |
| if (boxX + titleWidth > canvas.width) |
| boxX = canvas.width - titleWidth - 2; |
| |
| var boxY; |
| if (anchorTop > canvas.height) { |
| boxY = canvas.height - titleHeight - arrowHeight; |
| renderArrowDown = true; |
| } else if (anchorBottom < 0) { |
| boxY = arrowHeight; |
| renderArrowUp = true; |
| } else if (anchorBottom + titleHeight + arrowHeight < canvas.height) { |
| boxY = anchorBottom + arrowHeight - 4; |
| renderArrowUp = true; |
| } else if (anchorTop - titleHeight - arrowHeight > 0) { |
| boxY = anchorTop - titleHeight - arrowHeight + 3; |
| renderArrowDown = true; |
| } else |
| boxY = arrowHeight; |
| |
| context.save(); |
| context.translate(0.5, 0.5); |
| context.beginPath(); |
| context.moveTo(boxX, boxY); |
| if (renderArrowUp) { |
| context.lineTo(boxX + 2 * arrowHeight, boxY); |
| context.lineTo(boxX + 3 * arrowHeight, boxY - arrowHeight); |
| context.lineTo(boxX + 4 * arrowHeight, boxY); |
| } |
| context.lineTo(boxX + titleWidth, boxY); |
| context.lineTo(boxX + titleWidth, boxY + titleHeight); |
| if (renderArrowDown) { |
| context.lineTo(boxX + 4 * arrowHeight, boxY + titleHeight); |
| context.lineTo(boxX + 3 * arrowHeight, boxY + titleHeight + arrowHeight); |
| context.lineTo(boxX + 2 * arrowHeight, boxY + titleHeight); |
| } |
| context.lineTo(boxX, boxY + titleHeight); |
| context.closePath(); |
| context.fillStyle = "rgb(255, 255, 194)"; |
| context.fill(); |
| context.strokeStyle = "rgb(128, 128, 128)"; |
| context.stroke(); |
| |
| context.restore(); |
| |
| elementTitle.style.top = (boxY + 3) + "px"; |
| elementTitle.style.left = (boxX + 3) + "px"; |
| } |
| |
| function _quadMidPoint(quad) |
| { |
| return { |
| x: (quad[0].x + quad[1].x + quad[2].x + quad[3].x) / 4, |
| y: (quad[0].y + quad[1].y + quad[2].y + quad[3].y) / 4, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| function _drawRegionLink(pointA, pointB) |
| { |
| context.save(); |
| context.lineWidth = 2; |
| context.strokeStyle = regionChainStrokeColor; |
| context.beginPath(); |
| context.moveTo(pointA.x, pointA.y); |
| context.lineTo(pointB.x, pointB.y); |
| context.stroke(); |
| context.restore(); |
| } |
| |
| function _drawRegionsHighlight(regions) |
| { |
| for (var i = 0; i < regions.length; ++i) { |
| var region = regions[i]; |
| drawOutlinedQuad(region.borderQuad, region.isHighlighted ? highlightedRegionBackgroundColor : regionBackgroundColor, regionStrokeColor); |
| _drawRegionNumber(region.borderQuad, i + 1); |
| } |
| |
| for (var i = 1; i < regions.length; ++i) { |
| var regionA = regions[i - 1], |
| regionB = regions[i]; |
| _drawRegionLink(_quadMidPoint(regionA.outgoingQuad), _quadMidPoint(regionB.incomingQuad)); |
| } |
| |
| for (var i = 0; i < regions.length; ++i) { |
| var region = regions[i]; |
| if (i > 0) |
| drawOutlinedQuad(region.incomingQuad, regionLinkBoxBackgroundColor, regionLinkBoxStrokeColor); |
| if (i !== regions.length - 1) |
| drawOutlinedQuad(region.outgoingQuad, regionLinkBoxBackgroundColor, regionLinkBoxStrokeColor); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function _drawShapeHighlight(shapeInfo) |
| { |
| if (shapeInfo.marginShape) |
| drawPath(context, shapeInfo.marginShape, shapeMarginHighlightColor); |
| |
| if (shapeInfo.shape) |
| drawPath(context, shapeInfo.shape, shapeHighlightColor); |
| |
| if (!(shapeInfo.shape || shapeInfo.marginShape)) |
| drawOutlinedQuad(shapeInfo.bounds, shapeHighlightColor, shapeHighlightColor); |
| } |
| |
| function _drawFragmentHighlight(highlight) |
| { |
| if (!highlight.quads.length) |
| return; |
| |
| context.save(); |
| |
| if (highlight.regionClippingArea) { |
| // Clip to the containing region to avoid showing fragments that are not rendered by this region. |
| quadToPath(highlight.regionClippingArea).clip(); |
| } |
| |
| var quads = highlight.quads.slice(); |
| var contentQuad = quads.pop(); |
| var paddingQuad = quads.pop(); |
| var borderQuad = quads.pop(); |
| var marginQuad = quads.pop(); |
| |
| var hasContent = contentQuad && highlight.contentColor !== transparentColor || highlight.contentOutlineColor !== transparentColor; |
| var hasPadding = paddingQuad && highlight.paddingColor !== transparentColor; |
| var hasBorder = borderQuad && highlight.borderColor !== transparentColor; |
| var hasMargin = marginQuad && highlight.marginColor !== transparentColor; |
| |
| var clipQuad; |
| if (hasMargin && (!hasBorder || !quadEquals(marginQuad, borderQuad))) { |
| drawOutlinedQuadWithClip(marginQuad, borderQuad, highlight.marginColor); |
| clipQuad = borderQuad; |
| } |
| if (hasBorder && (!hasPadding || !quadEquals(borderQuad, paddingQuad))) { |
| drawOutlinedQuadWithClip(borderQuad, paddingQuad, highlight.borderColor); |
| clipQuad = paddingQuad; |
| } |
| if (hasPadding && (!hasContent || !quadEquals(paddingQuad, contentQuad))) { |
| drawOutlinedQuadWithClip(paddingQuad, contentQuad, highlight.paddingColor); |
| clipQuad = contentQuad; |
| } |
| if (hasContent) |
| drawOutlinedQuad(contentQuad, highlight.contentColor, highlight.contentOutlineColor); |
| |
| var width = canvas.width; |
| var height = canvas.height; |
| var minX = Number.MAX_VALUE, minY = Number.MAX_VALUE, maxX = Number.MIN_VALUE; maxY = Number.MIN_VALUE; |
| for (var i = 0; i < highlight.quads.length; ++i) { |
| var quad = highlight.quads[i]; |
| for (var j = 0; j < quad.length; ++j) { |
| minX = Math.min(minX, quad[j].x); |
| maxX = Math.max(maxX, quad[j].x); |
| minY = Math.min(minY, quad[j].y); |
| maxY = Math.max(maxY, quad[j].y); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| context.restore(); |
| } |
| |
| function showPageIndication() |
| { |
| document.body.classList.add("indicate"); |
| } |
| |
| function hidePageIndication() |
| { |
| document.body.classList.remove("indicate"); |
| } |
| |
| function drawNodeHighlight(allHighlights) |
| { |
| var elementTitleContainer = document.getElementById("element-title-container"); |
| while (elementTitleContainer.hasChildNodes()) |
| elementTitleContainer.removeChild(elementTitleContainer.lastChild); |
| |
| for (var highlight of allHighlights) { |
| context.save(); |
| context.translate(-highlight.scrollOffset.x, -highlight.scrollOffset.y); |
| |
| for (var fragment of highlight.fragments) |
| _drawFragmentHighlight(fragment); |
| |
| if (highlight.elementData && highlight.elementData.regionFlowData) |
| _drawRegionsHighlight(highlight.elementData.regionFlowData.regions); |
| |
| if (highlight.elementData && highlight.elementData.shapeOutsideData) |
| _drawShapeHighlight(highlight.elementData.shapeOutsideData); |
| |
| context.restore(); |
| |
| if (allHighlights.length === 1) { |
| for (var fragment of highlight.fragments) |
| _drawElementTitle(highlight.elementData, fragment, highlight.scrollOffset); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function drawQuadHighlight(highlight) |
| { |
| context.save(); |
| drawOutlinedQuad(highlight.quads[0], highlight.contentColor, highlight.contentOutlineColor); |
| context.restore(); |
| } |
| |
| function setPlatform(platform) |
| { |
| document.body.classList.add("platform-" + platform); |
| } |
| |
| function dispatch(message) |
| { |
| var functionName = message.shift(); |
| window[functionName].apply(null, message); |
| } |
| |
| function log(text) |
| { |
| var logEntry = document.createElement("div"); |
| logEntry.textContent = text; |
| document.getElementById("log").appendChild(logEntry); |
| } |