blob: e3ae8686e112001661a8a979cb2b6947d8f3f0c9 [file] [log] [blame]
var StatisticsStrategies = {};
(function () {
StatisticsStrategies.MovingAverageStrategies = [
id: 1,
label: 'Simple Moving Average',
parameterList: [
{label: "Backward window size", value: 8, min: 2, step: 1},
{label: "Forward window size", value: 4, min: 0, step: 1}
execute: function (backwardWindowSize, forwardWindowSize, values) {
return Statistics.movingAverage(values, backwardWindowSize, forwardWindowSize);
id: 2,
label: 'Cumulative Moving Average',
execute: Statistics.cumulativeMovingAverage,
id: 3,
label: 'Exponential Moving Average',
parameterList: [{label: "Smoothing factor", value: 0.1, min: 0.001, max: 0.9}],
execute: function (smoothingFactor, values) {
if (!values.length || typeof(smoothingFactor) !== "number")
return null;
return Statistics.exponentialMovingAverage(values, smoothingFactor);
id: 4,
isSegmentation: true,
label: 'Segmentation: Recursive t-test',
description: "Recursively split values into two segments if Welch's t-test detects a statistically significant difference.",
parameterList: [{label: "Minimum segment length", value: 20, min: 5}],
execute: function (minLength, values) {
return averagesFromSegments(values, Statistics.segmentTimeSeriesGreedyWithStudentsTTest(values, minLength));
id: 5,
isSegmentation: true,
label: 'Segmentation: Schwarz criterion',
description: 'Adaptive algorithm that maximizes the Schwarz criterion (BIC).',
// Based on Detection of Multiple Change–Points in Multivariate Time Series by Marc Lavielle (July 2006).
execute: function (values) {
return averagesFromSegments(values, Statistics.segmentTimeSeriesByMaximizingSchwarzCriterion(values));
function averagesFromSegments(values, segmentStartIndices) {
var averages = new Array(values.length);
var averageIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < segmentStartIndices.length; i++) {
var segment = values.slice(segmentStartIndices[i - 1], segmentStartIndices[i]);
var average = Statistics.sum(segment) / segment.length;
for (var j = 0; j < segment.length; j++)
averages[averageIndex++] = average;
return averages;
StatisticsStrategies.EnvelopingStrategies = [
id: 100,
label: 'Average Difference',
description: 'The average difference between consecutive values.',
execute: function (values, movingAverages) {
if (values.length < 1)
return NaN;
var diff = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < values.length; i++)
diff += Math.abs(values[i] - values[i - 1]);
return diff / values.length;
id: 101,
label: 'Moving Average Standard Deviation',
description: 'The square root of the average deviation from the moving average with Bessel\'s correction.',
execute: function (values, movingAverages) {
if (values.length < 1)
return NaN;
var diffSquareSum = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < values.length; i++) {
var diff = (values[i] - movingAverages[i]);
diffSquareSum += diff * diff;
return Math.sqrt(diffSquareSum / (values.length - 1));
StatisticsStrategies.TestRangeSelectionStrategies = [
id: 301,
label: "t-test 99% significance",
execute: function (values, segmentedValues) {
if (!values.length)
return [];
var previousMean = segmentedValues[0];
var selectedRanges = new Array;
for (var i = 1; i < segmentedValues.length; i++) {
var currentMean = segmentedValues[i];
if (currentMean == previousMean)
var found = false;
for (var leftEdge = i - 2, rightEdge = i + 2; leftEdge >= 0 && rightEdge <= values.length; leftEdge--, rightEdge++) {
if (segmentedValues[leftEdge] != previousMean || segmentedValues[rightEdge - 1] != currentMean)
var result = Statistics.computeWelchsT(values, leftEdge, i - leftEdge, values, i, rightEdge - i, 0.98);
if (result.significantlyDifferent) {
selectedRanges.push([leftEdge, rightEdge - 1]);
found = true;
if (!found && Statistics.debuggingTestingRangeNomination)
console.log('Failed to find a testing range at', i, 'changing from', previousMean, 'to', currentMean);
previousMean = currentMean;
return selectedRanges;
function createWesternElectricRule(windowSize, minOutlinerCount, limitFactor) {
return function (values, movingAverages, deviation) {
var results = new Array(values.length);
var limit = limitFactor * deviation;
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
results[i] = countValuesOnSameSide(values, movingAverages, limit, i, windowSize) >= minOutlinerCount ? windowSize : 0;
return results;
function countValuesOnSameSide(values, movingAverages, limit, startIndex, windowSize) {
var valuesAboveLimit = 0;
var valuesBelowLimit = 0;
var center = movingAverages[startIndex];
for (var i = startIndex; i < startIndex + windowSize && i < values.length; i++) {
var diff = values[i] - center;
valuesAboveLimit += (diff > limit);
valuesBelowLimit += (diff < -limit);
return Math.max(valuesAboveLimit, valuesBelowLimit);
StatisticsStrategies.AnomalyDetectionStrategy = [
// Western Electric rules:
id: 200,
label: 'Western Electric: any point beyond 3σ',
description: 'Any single point falls outside 3σ limit from the moving average',
execute: createWesternElectricRule(1, 1, 3),
id: 201,
label: 'Western Electric: 2/3 points beyond 2σ',
description: 'Two out of three consecutive points fall outside 2σ limit from the moving average on the same side',
execute: createWesternElectricRule(3, 2, 2),
id: 202,
label: 'Western Electric: 4/5 points beyond σ',
description: 'Four out of five consecutive points fall outside 2σ limit from the moving average on the same side',
execute: createWesternElectricRule(5, 4, 1),
id: 203,
label: 'Western Electric: 9 points on same side',
description: 'Nine consecutive points on the same side of the moving average',
execute: createWesternElectricRule(9, 9, 0),
id: 210,
label: 'Mozilla: t-test 5 vs. 20 before that',
description: "Use student's t-test to determine whether the mean of the last five data points differs from the mean of the twenty values before that",
execute: function (values, movingAverages, deviation) {
var results = new Array(values.length);
var p = false;
for (var i = 20; i < values.length - 5; i++)
results[i] = Statistics.testWelchsT(values.slice(i - 20, i), values.slice(i, i + 5), 0.98) ? 5 : 0;
return results;
StatisticsStrategies.executeStrategy = function (strategy, rawValues, additionalArguments)
var parameters = (strategy.parameterList || []).map(function (param) {
var parsed = parseFloat(param.value);
return Math.min(param.max || Infinity, Math.max(param.min || -Infinity, isNaN(parsed) ? 0 : parsed));
return strategy.execute.apply(strategy, parameters.concat(additionalArguments));
if (typeof module != 'undefined') {
for (var key in StatisticsStrategies)
module.exports[key] = StatisticsStrategies[key];