blob: 486f5a5f570d3881f092df1feefa79bd0bf05f2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
info: If Z is empty, return NaN
esid: sec-parseint-string-radix
description: x is not a radix-R digit
assert.sameValue(parseInt("$0x"), NaN, 'parseInt("$0x") must return NaN');
assert.sameValue(parseInt("$0X"), NaN, 'parseInt("$0X") must return NaN');
assert.sameValue(parseInt("$$$"), NaN, 'parseInt("$$$") must return NaN');
assert.sameValue(parseInt(""), NaN, 'parseInt("") must return NaN');
assert.sameValue(parseInt(" "), NaN, 'parseInt(" ") must return NaN');