blob: da4f7c474500690875c9ce02d10178657afa2afb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2020 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
esid: sec-array.prototype.shift
description: >
Array#shift throws TypeError upon attempting to modify a string
info: |
Array.prototype.shift ( )
3. If len is zero, then
a. Perform ? Set(O, "length", 0, true).
8. Perform ? Set(O, "length", len - 1, true).
Set ( O, P, V, Throw )
4. Let success be ? O.[[Set]](P, V, O).
5. If success is false and Throw is true, throw a TypeError exception.
assert.throws(TypeError, () => {'');
}, "'')");
assert.throws(TypeError, () => {'abc');
}, "'abc')");