| 'Tests that regular expressions treat non-BMP characters as two separate characters. ' |
| + 'From a Unicode correctness point of view this is wrong, but it is what other browsers do. ' |
| + 'And given that we store strings as UTF-16, it is also more efficient to implement. ' |
| + 'Also test some other cases related to UTF-8 and UTF-16.' |
| var surrogatePair = String.fromCharCode(0xD800) + String.fromCharCode(0xDC00); |
| shouldBe('/./.exec(surrogatePair).toString().length', '1'); |
| shouldBe('/\\D/.exec(surrogatePair).toString().length', '1'); |
| shouldBe('/\\S/.exec(surrogatePair).toString().length', '1'); |
| shouldBe('/\\W/.exec(surrogatePair).toString().length', '1'); |
| shouldBe('/[^x]/.exec(surrogatePair).toString().length', '1'); |
| shouldBe('/.{1,2}/.exec("!!" + String.fromCharCode(0xA1)).toString().length', '2'); |
| shouldBe('/./.exec("")', 'null'); |