| description('Tests for ES6 "let"'); |
| |
| function truth() { return true; } |
| noInline(truth); |
| |
| function assert(cond) { |
| if (!cond) |
| throw new Error("Broke assertion"); |
| } |
| |
| function hasSyntaxError(str) { |
| let hadError = false; |
| try { |
| eval(str); |
| } catch(e) { |
| if (e.name === "SyntaxError") { |
| hadError = true; |
| } |
| debug(e); |
| } |
| return hadError; |
| } |
| |
| function shouldHaveSyntaxError(str) { |
| assert(hasSyntaxError(str)); |
| assert(hasSyntaxError("function dummy() { " + str + " }")); |
| testPassed("Has syntax error: '" + str + "'"); |
| str = "'use strict'; " + str; |
| assert(hasSyntaxError(str)); |
| assert(hasSyntaxError("function dummy() { " + str + " }")); |
| testPassed("Has syntax error: '" + str + "'"); |
| } |
| |
| |
| function shouldNotHaveSyntaxError(str) { |
| assert(!hasSyntaxError(str)); |
| assert(!hasSyntaxError("(function dummy() { " + str + " })")); |
| testPassed("Does not have syntax error: '" + str + "'"); |
| str = "'use strict'; " + str; |
| assert(!hasSyntaxError(str)); |
| assert(!hasSyntaxError("(function dummy() { " + str + " })")); |
| testPassed("Does not have syntax error: '" + str + "'"); |
| } |
| |
| function shouldHaveSyntaxErrorStrictOnly(str) |
| { |
| assert(!hasSyntaxError(str)); |
| assert(!hasSyntaxError("(function dummy() { " + str + " })")); |
| testPassed("Does not have syntax error: '" + str + "'"); |
| str = "'use strict'; " + str; |
| assert(hasSyntaxError(str)); |
| assert(hasSyntaxError("(function dummy() { " + str + " })")); |
| testPassed("Has syntax error: '" + str + "'"); |
| } |
| |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let x = 20; if (truth()) { let x = 30; }"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let {x} = {x:20}; if (truth()) { let {x} = {x : 20}; }"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let {x} = {x:20}; if (truth()) { let {y: x} = {y : 20}; }"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let {x, y: [arr]} = {x:20, y: [10]}; if (truth()) { let {y: x} = {y : 20}; }"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let i = 40; for (let i = 1; i < 2; i++) { let i = 40; i; }"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let i = 40; let obj = {}; for (let i in obj) { let i = 40; let obj = {}; i; }"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let i = 40; let obj = []; for (let i of obj) { let i = 40; let obj = {}; i; }"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let {i} = 20; let obj = []; for (let {i} of obj) { let i = 40; let obj = {}; i; }"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let {i} = 20; let obj = []; for (let {i} in obj) { let i = 40; let obj = {}; i; }"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let {i} = 20; let obj = []; for (let {i} = {i: 0}; i < 2; i++) { let i = 40; let obj = {}; i; }"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("function foo() { let foo = 20; }"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("function foo(bar) { if (truth()) { let bar; } }"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("function foo() { var bar; if (truth()) { let bar; } }"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError(";({ get let() { return 50; }, set let(x) { return 50;} });"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("function foo() { { let x; } var x; }"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("var x = (function foo() { const foo = 20; });"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("var x = (function foo() { let foo = 20; });"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("var x = (function foo() { class foo { } });"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError(";(function foo() { const foo = 20; });"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError(";(function foo() { let foo = 20; });"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError(";(function foo() { class foo { } });"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let x = {f: function foo() { const foo = 20; } };"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let x = {f: function foo() { let foo = 20; } };"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let x = {f: function foo() { class foo { } } };"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let x = { foo() { const foo = 20; } };"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let x = { foo() { let foo = 20; } };"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let x = { foo() { class foo { } } };"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let x = { set foo(x) { const foo = 20; } };"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let x = { set foo(x) { let foo = 20; } };"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let x = { set foo(x) { class foo { } } };"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let x = { get foo() { const foo = 20; } };"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let x = { get foo() { let foo = 20; } };"); |
| shouldNotHaveSyntaxError("let x = { get foo() { class foo { } } };"); |
| |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let let;"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("const let;"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let {let};"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let {l: let};"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let {l: {let}};"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let {l: [let]};"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("var {let};"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let x, x;"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let x = 20, y, x = 40;"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let x = 20, y; let x = 40;"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let x = 20, y, {x} = {};"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let x = 20, y; let {x} = {};"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let {x, y, z, x} = {};"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let {x: xx, y, x: xx} = {};"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let {x: xx, foo: [xx]} = {foo:[12]};"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let {x: xx, foo: {y: xx}} = {foo:[12]};"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("for (let; ; ) {}"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let arr = []; for (let of arr) {}"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let obj = {}; for (let in arr) {}"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("for (let i = 20, j = 40, i = 10; i < 10; i++) {}"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let x = 20; if (truth()) let x = 40;"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let baz = 20; if (truth()) { let x = 20; let x = 40;} "); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function foo() { var bar; let bar; }"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function foo(bar) { let bar; }"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function foo() {}; let foo;"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function foo() {}; function bar(){} let baz, {bar} = {};"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function foo() {}; function bar(){} let baz, {f: {bar}} = {f:{}};"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function foo() {}; function bar(){} let baz, {f: [bar]} = {f:[10]};"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("for (let let = 0; let < 10; let++) {}"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("for (let of []) {}"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("for (let in {}) {}"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let x; var x;"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let x; var {x} = 20;"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("let x; var [x] = 20;"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function f() { var x; let x; }"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function f() { var x; let [x] = 20; }"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function f() { var [x] = 20; let [x] = 20; }"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function f() { var [x] = 20; let x; }"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function f() { let x; var x; }"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function f() { let x; var {x} = 20; }"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function f() { let x; var [x] = 20; }"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function f() { let x; function x(){} }"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function f() { function x(){}; let x; }"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function f() { const x = 20; var x; }"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function f() { const x = 20; var {x} = 20; }"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function f() { const x = 20; var [x] = 20; }"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function f() { const x = 20; function x(){} }"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function f() { function x(){}; const x = 20; }"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function f() { class x{}; var x; }"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function f() { class x{}; var {x} = 20; }"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function f() { class x{}; var [x] = 20; }"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function f() { class x{}; function x(){} }"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxError("function f() { function x(){}; class x{}; }"); |
| |
| // Stay classy, ES6. |
| shouldHaveSyntaxErrorStrictOnly("let;"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxErrorStrictOnly("var let;"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxErrorStrictOnly("var {let} = 40;"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxErrorStrictOnly("var [let] = 40;"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxErrorStrictOnly("var {p: let} = 40;"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxErrorStrictOnly("(function test(let){});"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxErrorStrictOnly("let: for (v of []) break let;"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxErrorStrictOnly("let: for (v of []) continue let;"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxErrorStrictOnly("let: for (v in {}) break;"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxErrorStrictOnly("let: for (v in {}) break;"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxErrorStrictOnly("let: for (var v = 0; false; ) {};"); |
| shouldHaveSyntaxErrorStrictOnly("try { } catch(let) {}"); |