| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" |
| xmlns:h="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> |
| <metadata> |
| <h:link rel="help" href="https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/styling.html#RequiredProperties"/> |
| <h:link rel="help" href="https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/propidx.html"/> |
| <h:meta name="assert" content="All required properties are supported"/> |
| <!-- Note: This test does not verify that the properties are actually applied to SVG rendering. --> |
| </metadata> |
| <g id="target"></g> |
| <h:script src="/resources/testharness.js"/> |
| <h:script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"/> |
| <script><![CDATA[ |
| var properties = [ |
| // Properties listed in https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/propidx.html |
| "alignment-baseline", |
| "baseline-shift", |
| "clip", |
| "clip-path", |
| "clip-rule", |
| "color", |
| "color-interpolation", |
| "cursor", |
| "direction", |
| "display", |
| "dominant-baseline", |
| "fill", |
| "fill-opacity", |
| "fill-rule", |
| "filter", |
| "flood-color", |
| "flood-opacity", |
| "font", |
| "font-family", |
| "font-size", |
| "font-size-adjust", |
| "font-stretch", |
| "font-style", |
| "font-variant", |
| "font-weight", |
| "glyph-orientation-vertical", |
| "image-rendering", |
| "letter-spacing", |
| "lighting-color", |
| "line-height", |
| "marker", |
| "marker-end", |
| "marker-mid", |
| "marker-start", |
| "mask", |
| "opacity", |
| "overflow", |
| "paint-order", |
| "pointer-events", |
| "shape-rendering", |
| "stop-color", |
| "stop-opacity", |
| "stroke", |
| "stroke-dasharray", |
| "stroke-dashoffset", |
| "stroke-linecap", |
| "stroke-linejoin", |
| "stroke-miterlimit", |
| "stroke-opacity", |
| "stroke-width", |
| "text-anchor", |
| "text-decoration", |
| "text-rendering", |
| "unicode-bidi", |
| "vector-effect", |
| "visibility", |
| "word-spacing", |
| "white-space", |
| "writing-mode", |
| |
| // Properties listed in https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/styling.html#RequiredProperties |
| "display", |
| "overflow", |
| "visibility", |
| "cursor", |
| "text-overflow", |
| "clip", |
| "clip-path", |
| "clip-rule", |
| "mask", |
| "color", |
| "opacity", |
| "color-interpolation-filters", |
| "filter", |
| "flood-color", |
| "flood-opacity", |
| "isolation", |
| "lighting-color", |
| "transform", |
| "transform-box", |
| "transform-origin", |
| "letter-spacing", |
| "text-align", |
| "text-align-all", |
| "text-align-last", |
| "text-indent", |
| "word-spacing", |
| "white-space", |
| "text-space-collapse", |
| "vertical-align", |
| "dominant-baseline", |
| "alignment-baseline", |
| "baseline-shift", |
| "direction", |
| "text-orientation", |
| "writing-mode", |
| "font", |
| "font-family", |
| "font-feature-settings", |
| "font-kerning", |
| "font-size", |
| "font-size-adjust", |
| "font-stretch", |
| "font-style", |
| "font-variant", |
| "font-variant-position", |
| "font-variant-ligatures", |
| "font-variant-caps", |
| "font-variant-numeric", |
| "font-variant-east-asian", |
| "font-weight", |
| "text-decoration", |
| "text-decoration-line", |
| "text-decoration-style", |
| "text-decoration-color" |
| ]; |
| properties.sort(); |
| |
| var target = document.getElementById('target'); |
| var previous = null; |
| for (var property of properties) { |
| if (property === previous) |
| continue; // Avoid duplicate test names |
| previous = property; |
| |
| test(function() { |
| assert_true(property in target.style); |
| }, 'Property "' + property + '" is supported'); |
| } |
| ]]></script> |
| </svg> |