blob: 50bb026fde4539841284305612f3414b25f242a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Inspired by Layoutests/animations/animation-test-helpers.js
// Modified to work with SVG and together with LayoutTests/svg/dynamic-updates/resources/SVGTestCase.js
function isCloseEnough(actual, desired, tolerance) {
var diff = Math.abs(actual - desired);
return diff <= tolerance;
function shouldBeCloseEnough(_a, _b, tolerance) {
if (typeof tolerance != "number")
tolerance = 0.1 // Default
if (typeof _a != "string" || typeof _b != "string")
debug("WARN: shouldBeCloseEnough() expects two string and one number arguments");
var exception;
var _av;
try {
_av = eval(_a);
} catch (e) {
exception = e;
var _bv = eval(_b);
if (exception)
testFailed(_a + " should be " + _bv + ". Threw exception " + exception);
else if (isCloseEnough(_av, _bv, tolerance))
testPassed(_a + " is " + _b);
else if (typeof(_av) == typeof(_bv))
testFailed(_a + " should be close to " + _bv + ". Was " + stringify(_av) + ".");
testFailed(_a + " should be close to " + _bv + " (of type " + typeof _bv + "). Was " + _av + " (of type " + typeof _av + ").");
function expectMatrix(actualMatrix, expectedA, expectedB, expectedC, expectedD, expectedE, expectedF, tolerance) {
shouldBeCloseEnough(actualMatrix + ".a", expectedA, tolerance);
shouldBeCloseEnough(actualMatrix + ".b", expectedB, tolerance);
shouldBeCloseEnough(actualMatrix + ".c", expectedC, tolerance);
shouldBeCloseEnough(actualMatrix + ".d", expectedD, tolerance);
shouldBeCloseEnough(actualMatrix + ".e", expectedE, tolerance);
shouldBeCloseEnough(actualMatrix + ".f", expectedF, tolerance);
function expectTranslationMatrix(actualMatrix, expectedE, expectedF, tolerance) {
shouldBeCloseEnough(actualMatrix + ".e", expectedE, tolerance);
shouldBeCloseEnough(actualMatrix + ".f", expectedF, tolerance);
function expectColor(element, red, green, blue, property) {
if (typeof property != "string")
color = getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue("color");
color = getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(property);
var re = new RegExp("rgba?\\(([^, ]*), ([^, ]*), ([^, ]*)(?:, )?([^, ]*)\\)");
colorComponents = re.exec(color);
// Allow a tolerance of 1 for color values, as they are integers.
shouldBeCloseEnough("colorComponents[1]", "" + red, 1);
shouldBeCloseEnough("colorComponents[2]", "" + green, 1);
shouldBeCloseEnough("colorComponents[3]", "" + blue, 1);
function expectFillColor(element, red, green, blue) {
expectColor(element, red, green, blue, "fill");
function moveAnimationTimelineAndSample(index) {
var animationId = expectedResults[index][0];
var time = expectedResults[index][1];
var sampleCallback = expectedResults[index][2];
var animation = rootSVGElement.ownerDocument.getElementById(animationId);
// If we want to sample the animation end, add a small delta, to reliable point past the end of the animation.
newTime = time;
try {
newTime += animation.getStartTime();
} catch(e) {
debug('Exception thrown: ' + e);
// The sample time is relative to the start time of the animation, take that into account.
var currentTest = 0;
var expectedResults;
function sampleAnimation() {
if (currentTest == expectedResults.length) {
setTimeout(sampleAnimation, 0);
function runSMILTest() {
// If eg. an animation is running with begin="0s", and we want to sample the first time, before the animation
// starts, then we can't delay the testing by using an onclick event, as the animation would be past start time.
if (window.animationStartsImmediately) {
var useX = 50;
var useY = 50;
if (window.clickX)
useX = window.clickX;
if (window.clickY)
useY = window.clickY;
setTimeout("clickAt(" + useX + "," + useY + ")", 0);
function runAnimationTest(expected) {
if (!expected)
throw("Expected results are missing!");
if (currentTest > 0)
throw("Not allowed to call runAnimationTest() twice");
if (window.testRunner)
expectedResults = expected;
testCount = expectedResults.length;
currentTest = 0;
// Immediately sample, if the first time is zero.
if (expectedResults[0][1] == 0) {
// Pause animations, we'll drive them manually.
if (window.testRunner)
setTimeout(sampleAnimation, 0);
setTimeout(sampleAnimation, 50);