blob: 73296fd2b2fde01f9d8354cc458d707f13c27fb5 [file] [log] [blame]
"use strict";
description('Tests ES6 %ThrowTypeError% intrinsic is unique');
class ThrowTypeErrorSource {
constructor(context, base, names)
this.context = context;
this.base = base;
this.names = names;
let errors = 0;
for (let name of this.names) {
let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this.base, name);
if (!desc)
return 0;
for (let accessorType of ["get", "set"]) {
let accessor = desc[accessorType];
if (accessor && accessor !== throwTypeErrorFunction) {
testFailed(this.context + " " + accessorType + "ter for \"" + name + "\" is not the same %ThrowTypeError% intrinsic");
return errors;
class A { };
let arrayProtoPush = Array.prototype.push;
function strictArguments()
return arguments;
let sloppyArguments = Function("return arguments;");
function test()
let baseThrowTypeErrorFunction = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(arguments, "callee").get;
let sources = [
new ThrowTypeErrorSource("Function.prototype", Function.prototype, ["arguments", "caller"]),
new ThrowTypeErrorSource("Array.prototype.push (builtin)", arrayProtoPush, ["arguments", "caller"]),
new ThrowTypeErrorSource("Strict function arguments", strictArguments, ["arguments", "caller"]),
new ThrowTypeErrorSource("Sloppy function arguments", sloppyArguments, ["arguments", "caller"]),
new ThrowTypeErrorSource("Strict arguments", strictArguments(), ["callee", "caller"]),
new ThrowTypeErrorSource("Sloppy arguments", sloppyArguments(), ["callee", "caller"]),
new ThrowTypeErrorSource("Class constructor", (new A()).constructor, ["arguments", "caller"])
let errors = 0;
for (let source of sources)
errors += source.checkTypeErrorFunctions(baseThrowTypeErrorFunction);
if (!errors)
testPassed("%ThrowTypeError% intrinsic is unique");