blob: f2d8c760f08d11ec5d5eb4979878074e37a43c1c [file] [log] [blame]
function shouldBe(actual, expected) {
if (actual !== expected)
throw new Error(`bad value: ${String(actual)}`);
function shouldThrow(func, errorMessage) {
var errorThrown = false;
var error = null;
try {
} catch (e) {
errorThrown = true;
error = e;
if (!errorThrown)
throw new Error('not thrown');
if (String(error) !== errorMessage)
throw new Error(`bad error: ${String(error)}`);
var s0 = Symbol("Cocoa");
var s1 = Symbol("Cappuccino");
var s2 = Symbol("");
var s3 = Symbol();
shouldBe(s0.description, "Cocoa");
shouldBe(s0.toString(), "Symbol(Cocoa)");
shouldBe(s1.description, "Cappuccino");
shouldBe(s1.toString(), "Symbol(Cappuccino)");
shouldBe(s2.description, "");
shouldBe(s2.toString(), "Symbol()");
shouldBe(s3.description, undefined);
shouldBe(s3.toString(), "Symbol()");
var o0 = Object(s0);
var o1 = Object(s1);
var o2 = Object(s2);
var o3 = Object(s3);
shouldBe(o0.description, "Cocoa");
shouldBe(o0.toString(), "Symbol(Cocoa)");
shouldBe(o1.description, "Cappuccino");
shouldBe(o1.toString(), "Symbol(Cappuccino)");
shouldBe(o2.description, "");
shouldBe(o2.toString(), "Symbol()");
shouldBe(o3.description, undefined);
shouldBe(o3.toString(), "Symbol()");
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Symbol.prototype, "description");
shouldBe(descriptor.enumerable, false);
shouldBe(descriptor.configurable, true);
shouldBe(descriptor.set, undefined);
shouldBe(typeof descriptor.get, "function");
shouldThrow(() => {
"use strict";
s0.description = "Matcha";
}, `TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property.`);
shouldThrow(() => {
"use strict";
o0.description = "Matcha";
}, `TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property.`);
shouldThrow(() => {{});
}, `TypeError: Symbol.prototype.description requires that |this| be a symbol or a symbol object`);
shouldThrow(() => {;
}, `TypeError: Symbol.prototype.description requires that |this| be a symbol or a symbol object`);
shouldThrow(() => {;
}, `TypeError: Symbol.prototype.description requires that |this| be a symbol or a symbol object`);
shouldThrow(() => {;
}, `TypeError: Symbol.prototype.description requires that |this| be a symbol or a symbol object`);
shouldThrow(() => {"Hello");
}, `TypeError: Symbol.prototype.description requires that |this| be a symbol or a symbol object`);
shouldThrow(() => {;
}, `TypeError: Symbol.prototype.description requires that |this| be a symbol or a symbol object`);
shouldThrow(() => {;
}, `TypeError: Symbol.prototype.description requires that |this| be a symbol or a symbol object`);
shouldBe(, "Cocoa");
shouldBe(, "Cocoa");
o0.__proto__ = {};
shouldBe(, "Cocoa");