blob: 35c47d2f5f5c321b51456b5d404f7fcad02bf76d [file] [log] [blame]
//@ runDefault("--forceCodeBlockToJettisonDueToOldAge=1", "--useUnlinkedCodeBlockJettisoning=1", "--countParseTimes=1", "--useConcurrentJIT=0")
function shouldBe(actual, expected) {
if (actual !== expected)
throw new Error('bad value: ' + actual);
function hello()
return (function () {
function world() {
return 42;
return world();
// Compile hello and world function.
shouldBe(hello(), 42);
var first = $vm.parseCount();
// Kick full GC 20 times to make UnlinkedCodeBlock aged and destroyed. Jettison hello CodeBlock, and underlying world UnlinkedCodeBlock.
for (var i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
// Recompile world.
shouldBe(hello(), 42);
var second = $vm.parseCount() - first;
shouldBe(second >= 3, true); // `hello`, `inner`, `world`. Other functions can be destroyed, so using >= here.