blob: 19b9c9a106e5f562efd499506b079d0106b1d75e [file] [log] [blame]
function foo(a, b, c) {
return (a|0) + (b|0) + (c|0);
function bar(o) {
// Save a bunch of state in local variables.
var a = o.f;
var b = o.g;
var c = o.h;
var d = o.i;
var e = o.j;
var f = o.k;
var g = o.l;
// Make a call that will be subject to arity fixup and then use the saved state. We're
// counting on LLVM to put those variables in callee-saves, since that's pretty much the
// only sensible choice.
return foo(42) + a + b + c + d + e + f + g;
for (var i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) {
// Call bar() in such a way that all of those callee-save variables have fairly unique
// looking values, to maximize the chances of foo() clobbering them in a recognizable
// way.
var result = bar({
f:i * 3, g:i - 1, h:(i / 2)|0, i:-i, j:13 + ((i / 5)|0), k:14 - ((i / 6)|0),
l:1 - i});
var expected = 42 + i * 3 + i - 1 + ((i / 2)|0) - i + 13 + ((i / 5)|0) + 14 -
((i / 6)|0) + 1 - i;
if (result != expected)
throw "Error: for iteration " + i + " expected " + expected + " but got " + result;